My esteemed Berean colleague, Marc Clauson, and astute reader Jonathan are carrying on a discussion for which Walmart’s business practices are a touch point. I posted a response to one of Jonathan’s comments several days ago. Jonathan asked my thoughts on the accusation that Walmart is the nation’s biggest “welfare queen”. I am working through a response […]
- Stand with Hillary, a PAC that is not affiliated with Mrs. Clinton, recently produced and publicized “Stand with Hillary.” I wish I had been part of the brain-storming session that produced this video. I imagine the white board must have included phrases and bullet points that said something like: Problem:six-figure speaker’s fees, extreme wealth. […]
The Social Justice Crowd Part Two
04 Dec 2014
I was happy to see some response to my earlier blog on the “Social Justice Crowd.” Here I would like to offer some clarifications and responses to the responses. Let me say first that Bert Wheeler gave an excellent rejoinder regarding one of the major benefits of enterprises such as Walmart: It substantially increases the […]
The Social Justice Crowd–Again.
02 Dec 2014
Kevin Williamson, writing for the National Review, has perfectly captured the sentiments I have expressed on the Bereans blog on several occasions, when he wrote that the “anti-Walmart” protesters are in reality just calling for the poorer among us to be stiffed. Williamson contrasted the elite culture, whim he labeled the “Rolex crowd,” with the […]
GOP in 2016: The Field and the Issues
02 Dec 2014
Politico has a reasonable article this morning on the emerging Republican presidential field, focusing on the issues that divide and distinguish the candidates. James Hohmann highlights immigration, NSA eavesdropping, Medicaid expansion, Common Core, and gay marriage as the key fault lines. He takes those issues and splices them through a potential field of: Jeb Bush […]
Is There No American Dream? It Depends.
28 Nov 2014
Well, here is an interesting bit of supposedly bad news. An economics professor at the University of California-Davis has said he has “crunched the numbers” and found that “America has no higher rate of social mobility than medieval England, Or pre-industrial Sweden.” He added, “That’s the most difficult part of talking about social mobility is because […]
Happy True Thanksgiving
27 Nov 2014
Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers. I have “dutifully” participated in the culinary festivities and have also indulged in one of my favorite traditional pastimes—a nap after dinner—but I haven’t forgotten to do what the goal of this national holiday intended, to give thanks. But what does that mean? It might seem obvious. But in […]
One of the sad ironies of the rioting in Ferguson in the aftermath of the decision by the grand jury not to indict is that the destruction that occurred is ultimately directed at African-American communities. As Henry Hazlitt put so well in his book Economics in One Lesson, it is the mark of a good […]
While the Ferguson, Missouri riots take center stage in the news, other events are occurring too, and important ones. For one thing, Thanksgiving is nearly here and Christians everywhere in America should take time to give thanks to God for who He is and for the abundant grace He has granted to each of us […]
This year’s election results have not caused Democrats to reconsider their approach, and its not just Mr. Obama who is doubling down. Part of this is the result of the election; the vulnerable red state Democratic senators that lost the election were the more moderate members of their party. The election has resulted in an […]