President Biden, Mr. Unity himself, went full force on attacking what he calls MAGA Republicans* tonight, as they represent “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” Let’s assume Mr. Biden really believes this, and this is not just more of the over-the-top rhetoric that both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump love to […]
The Obvious Retort to Mr. Biden
01 Sep 2022
The Federal Reserve has to be pleased with the way their tightening cycle has gone, not that they ever wanted to be here. The Fed has engineered meaningful tightening, markets have had nasty reactions in the downward direction, and yet we haven’t had a true financial panic. Further, job opportunities are still relatively plentiful, and […]
Where is the market and economy going?
28 Aug 2022
I’ll continue to provide updates on the market and economy from my perspective here at BATG, but the purpose of this post is to point out why the uncertainty of prognostications about the future are much larger than normal times. In short, we have no history to draw on for the Federal Reserve dropping $5T […]
Student Loan “Forgiveness”–pure pillage
25 Aug 2022
We’ve talked earlier about the student loan forgiveness, which is really the “stick it to the working joe” executive decision. Most of those paying the costs of this program did not receive the benefit of the loans, yet they’ll have to foot the bill. Indeed, the education received by those who took the loans will, […]
01 Aug 2022
Fellow Berean Matt Beal touched on the 2nd Qtr GDP Growth (negative) last week, and I thought I’d add to the discussion. But because I’m particularly lazy (and the ramp up to the new semester is consuming me), I encourage you to listen to a radio interview I had with Columbus Ohio’s WTVN radio late […]
It’s Not a Very Nice Word…Recession
28 Jul 2022
At times, one has to consider if Mr. Biden would benefit from beginning each morning by reciting the alphabet in order three times if only to practice saying something correctly on a regular basis. Mere days ago, the President opined that “God willing — I don’t think we’re going to see a recession.” Well, God […]
The title for this post is one for our older Bereans that remember Dan Quayle’s debate with Lloyd Bentsen in the 1988 vice-presidential debate. Yet the real purpose of this post is to stop the disparagement of Jimmy Carter by comparing Joe Biden with him. As the nation sinks deeper into an inflationary morass, with […]
Headline: “Biden administration plans to make sweeping changes to ‘broken’ student loan system”
07 Jul 2022
So notes CNBC yesterday. We’ve already highlighted the gross inequity of forcing people that never were a party to a loan to assume the payments of others (as in here, here, and here), in many cases people that make far less money than the beneficiaries of student loans, so I’m not highlighting that this morning. […]
SCOTUS Makes History, Overturns Roe, Casey
24 Jun 2022
The Supreme Court has upheld the Mississippi law at the heart of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, and, in doing so, overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The seismic decision means that abortion is now a political matter. The states will decide how to handle abortion without federal judicial restraint. California and […]
SCOTUS Strikes Down NY Gun Law
23 Jun 2022
On Thursday, the Supreme Court struck down a New York law that required citizens to show a “proper cause” for a license to carry a handgun in public. In New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the Court determined the state’s practice, which forced applicants to show more than a desire to defend […]