Brian Williams’s leave of absence due to concerns about his truthfulness is just the highest profile of a long line of individuals who have stretched the truth. It is interesting to me that the truth matters so much to Americans in a news anchor, but so little in our political leaders. has four pages […]
Truth Telling Matters
18 Feb 2015
Net Neutrality and Competition
18 Feb 2015
On February 14 my Berean colleague Mark Clauson posted comments on the FCC’s proposed “net neutrality” regulations. I would like to argue in favor of the FCC’s proposal. While the full proposal will be released on February 26, the date of the committee vote, the nuts and bolts of the proposal have already been made […]
So much of our lives is amazingly better, and getting better at an increasing rate. Peter Diamond makes this case in his new book, Abundance, and I have to agree with him. The progress we’ve made in quality of life during my lifetime is phenomenal. As I mentioned to one class today, I grew up […]
Scott Walker and Education
16 Feb 2015
Scott Walker (R-WI) must be the front-runner for the GOP’s presidential nomination. Why? He is earning significant scrutiny from mainstream media outlets, primarily over two issues, which are related–his lack of a college degree and his views on evolution. While we need a president with brainpower, smart presidents are not always good presidents. What we […]
Trying to avoid the national debt getting bigger? That would be the real problem. As usual, Keynesians aver that debt isn’t a problem, because we owe it to ourselves. Globally, and for the most part even within countries, a rise in debt isn’t an indication that we’re living beyond our means, because as Fatas puts […]
Net Neutrality or Net Inefficiency
14 Feb 2015
It looks like the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) is up to its tricks again, trying for the third time to regulate pretty much every aspect of the internet like an old-style telephone company. Tom Wheeler, the FCC chairman, announced a 322 page set of new rules, but will not release it to the public. Yes […]
As homosexual marriage winds its way through the judicial system, President Barack Obama is likely to go down in history as a champion of gay rights, as the first president to endorse gay marriage. In reality, Obama’s position on gay marriage was cynical and calculated to maximize political results. Obama, famously, came out in favor […]
Did He Really Say That?
11 Feb 2015
Have we come to this point in our culture or is this just an “outlier”? Yesterday, Representative Elijah Cummings (D-Md) made the following statement in a speech to Federal union members: “People do not seem to understand that so many people come to government knowing that they are not going to make the kind of […]
One of my usual sources of info that I use in this blog is the Wall Street Journal; I consider the WSJ and the Financial Times (FT) of London to be the premier press sources of economic information. Its unfortunate that I have progressive friends who will immediately discount something I say because it came […]
Another Historical Distortion, by Bill Maher
09 Feb 2015
Bill Maher tells authoritatively that capitalism did not produce a middle class. It was actually worse than that. I quote extensively from his statements on “Real Time” on HBO because you have to read it to believe someone said it: “so what’s happening is, the Democrats are proposing to nibble around the edges of our […]