You’ve heard me say this before (but not this strongly) that the monetary machinations of the global central banks (led by the Fed, and buttressed by the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan) are flooding the world with liquidity and causing all sorts of malinvestment. In the video above, Ed Yardeni agrees, perhaps […]
Charles Murray at Cedarville University
13 Mar 2015
The ideas of most humans are formed by their basic worldview combined with their existential circumstances. I believe this fairly self-evident statement applies in particular to the talk given by Dr. Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute at Cedarville University, Thursday night, March 12. Murray is a brilliant man and his talk was a […]
Earlier in the week I criticized the results of Dodd-Frank, because it has miserably failed at its ostensible purpose of preventing future “too big too fail” incidents. Indeed, not only did it not succeed in this–in the sense of reducing the number of potential risks–it has significantly exacerbated it as the banks are increasingly consolidating […]
The Freedom to be Racists
11 Mar 2015
University of Oklahoma President David Boren has expelled, so far, two students involved in the vile, racist chants that have garnered national media attention. The problem, as pointed out by Eugene Volokh and David French, is that Boren’s actions are almost certainly unconstitutional. In essence, the government is unable to punish speech, and this was […]
“True” War Stories at NBC News
10 Mar 2015
New York Magazine has a superb piece on the recent chaos at NBC News. While there is little new information, the narrative’s clarity puts many pieces together. In short, trouble at NBC started well before Brian Williams forgot how to tell the truth. Deborah Turness (NBC News President), Patricia Fili-Krushel (NBC News Chair) and Steve […]
A Bad Proposal
06 Mar 2015
An Inside Higher Ed piece by Paul Fain (“Free Community College: It Works,” Feb. 5, 2015) argues that providing free education at community colleges works because, get this it leads to “increased degree production.” Well there is a brilliant study, stating the obvious, but not really getting the point that when something is “free” the […]
Why I am so “cynical” about Washington DC reforms–why too big too fail leads to bigger and bigger
05 Mar 2015
The main reason I am so disbelieving of the efficacy of regulatory reforms (some would say cynical) is that I don’t believe that Washington politicians are completely incompetent. I believe that much of the results that occur are desired, at least by somebody. When the progressives took power in 2009, they were very clearly going […]
I appreciate Marc Clauson’s take on P.M. Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Let me add just a couple of quick notes. Netanyahu reminded me of Churchill, which makes Obama too much like Chamberlain. Winston Churchill, as a Member of Parliament before World War 2, thundered in the House of Commons about Hitler’s intentions. He warned the […]
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech
03 Mar 2015
I hope many of your were able to listen to Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech today before a joint meeting of Congress. I also hope my Berean colleagues will weigh in with their comments on the speech and the context for it. As you may know, Prime Minister Netanyahu was invited by Speaker of the House of […]
A Change of Climate
02 Mar 2015
It seems like a good time to move from discussions about Islam to Global Warming or, to accept the new view, Global Climate Change (GCC). Believe it or not, this topic has a Christian dimension, even though it might not be immediately evident. We will get to that in due time. To begin, let’s review […]