This blog may seem redundant, since I have published similar pieces before. But from time to time I believe our readers need to see articulated the foundations for our positions. I believe I represent the basic philosophical and theological position of my Berean colleagues, though they would most certainly be more concise. In the past […]
The Berean Foundations
16 Apr 2015
Rubio Rides to the Republican Rescue?
14 Apr 2015
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) declared his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. What was a few weeks ago an empty field has now grown to three contenders, all first-term Senators. Of these, I think Rubio is the strongest. Let’s compare them quickly. Ted Cruz Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2012, and has Cuban […]
Hillary Clinton Jumps in for 2016
13 Apr 2015
Hillary Clinton (D-NY, AR, IL) announced yesterday that she is running for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Clinton, of course, ran for the nomination in 2008 and finished behind Barack Obama. Just as then, she begins the contest as the presumptive nominee, but that guarantees nothing. She has very high name recognition, though she is […]
Republican Senator Rand Paul, from Kentucky, yesterday announced he is running for the GOP’s presidential nomination. Paul’s declaration, all at once, surprised no one, inspired supporters, and sprouted doubters. Unlike the other lightly experienced Senators–Ted Cruz, who announced recently, and Marco Rubio, who will announce soon–Paul is both weighted down and buoyed by association. His […]
Book Review on the Industrial Revolution
07 Apr 2015
It has been a long time since I have written anything on books I am reading. I think I have a winner in a relatively new book by Joel Mokyr entitled The Enlightened Economy: Britain and the Industrial Revolution, 1700-1850, published by Penguin Books and Yale University in 2011 and 2009. Now I know the […]
The Minimum Wage as Maximum Trouble
07 Apr 2015
McDonald’s just announced a wage increase for its employees to ten dollars per hour. But the reaction was not gratitude but protests by union-led workers who are advocating for fifteen dollars per hour. The debate on the wage rate is tied to the equally contentious debate about inequality of income. I am not wading into […]
A Different/Similar Take on the Indiana Law
01 Apr 2015
This blog serves as somewhat of a response to Mark Smith’s blog. It is different however in that it deals primarily with legal and broader theological issues. By now most know something about the stir in Indiana—I can feel the reverberations from across the border—concerning the recently passed state law protecting those with religious […]
RFRA, Rights, and Christian Obligations
01 Apr 2015
“But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” (Matt. 5:38-41) On Thursday, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed […]
Ted Cruz, Rights and the Media
30 Mar 2015
Looks like the Media—short for Mainstream Media or MSM—are at it again, this time getting hot and bothered over Ted Cruz’s speechifying about our God-given rights, exceptionalism, and all that. The so-called “God-made” Constitution left several of the MSM hooting with ridicule. Their reaction of course was (predictably) to say that the Constitution and the […]
Long-time marijuana advocate Willie Nelson is reportedly going to produce his own marijuana for sale, called Willie’s Reserve. Seems like Willie Weed would be more accurate, but hey…what do I know about marketing (or marijuana for that matter). As an aside, I went to a Willie Nelson concert circa 1980 while living in southern […]