Readers of this blog know I’m critical of the Obama administration generally on economic matters, nevertheless, as we say from my home state of Arkansas, “even a blind hog can find an acorn every now and again.” The Democratic party has been generally hostile toward free trade for most of my life, while Republicans are […]
Like a stopped clock being right twice a day, Mr. Obama is right on Trade Promotion Authority
07 May 2015
GOP Field Expands, Outnumbers Those Who Care
06 May 2015
I recall a time when I delivered an academic paper in San Diego.* There were three of us on the panel, joined by a moderator. As I looked side-to-side at my colleagues, I noticed, quickly, that we outnumbered the audience by one. It was a riveting topic, eclipsed only by the aplomb with which we […]
Avengers: Age of Ultron
05 May 2015
The history of blockbusters is littered with poor sequels that were only sharp enough to pierce our expectations. These movies deflate. Like a beach ball that pops as soon as it touches the hot sand, we, the movie faithful, suckers that we are, are always in search of good times that are too rarely had. […]
Labels are both handy and hated. In economics, we teach that branding and labels are ways to economize on the costs of information search. So, for example, I go into the voting booth and on many lower-level candidates, I may not have much, if any, information on their positions. But if I see a “D” […]
Inner Cities, Part 2: A Partial Response
29 Apr 2015
After a couple of responses to my first post on the solution to the problems of inner cities, I decided I ought to delve a little deeper. I am responding here to two similar but different types of responses. One asks what can Christians do? The other is a bit irritated at my alleged “Gospel-without-solutions” […]
The Only Hope for Inner Cities in the Long Run
29 Apr 2015
President Obama simply can’t resist taking shots at Republicans anytime something bad happens (to foreclose any response from those who will reply that Republicans do it too, I will challenge that if you wish). In this case it was the Baltimore riots, which by now everyone knows about. In his press conference today, the president […]
Abraham Lincoln Comments on the Baltimore Riots
28 Apr 2015
Well, not really, of course, but his thoughts, frequently so timeless, seem particularly appropriate today. In his famous Lyceum Address in Springfield, Illinois, Lincoln meditated on the theme of civil obedience. Though we tend in our day to ponder endlessly the justifications for disobedience, Lincoln was convinced that our willingness to obey the law was […]
Bruce Jenner and the Radical LGBT Movement
26 Apr 2015
I caught a snippet of former Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner’s interview about his transgender journey—not to mention its exaltation by the networks, even ESPN. One thing Jenner said however, I did appreciate. He said that he and anyone else ought to have the right to pursue their goals (a paraphrase) as they choose. He apparently […]
I have to agree with him; Mr. & Mrs. Clinton have both spoken eloquently in defending the importance of faith and marriage between one man and one woman. Unfortunately my previous sentence was written in past tense. Is this not the ultimate flip-flop, finger in the wind approach to leadership? Mr. DeYoung’s summary point of […]
The United States Supreme Court heard another important case Wednesday, April 22, Horne v. Department of Agriculture. Under a 1937 New Deal era Marketing Order scheme, the Federal government gets to confiscate outright whatever percentage of a raisin crop is deemed necessary to keep raisin prices high, or high enough. Henry Horne, a raisin grower […]