As many conservative observers have noted, the same-sex marriage decision by the Supreme Court is not the end of the culture wars, but only the next step in an increase in the progressive push to transform our nation. This was always the lie believed by many in our culture, both Christian and non-Christian, the “can’t […]
Today, Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), declared his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. Walker is hardened like few other candidates, surviving two gubernatorial contests, a recall election, and bruising fights over public employee unions in his home state.* This record puts Walker in the top-tier regardless of other factors. Polling results in Iowa put him […]
Back to the Core Issue
11 Jul 2015
I have remained pretty silent on the following topic, but now I want to make a plea to my academic colleagues—not at my university only but those in all colleges and universities, and especially those at Christian institutions. First, though, the problem, followed by the solution, or at least my solution, plus responses to anticipated […]
They Are Singing the Blues, Maybe
09 Jul 2015
Here is a summary of a study by the Mercatus Center of George Mason University on the fiscal situation of liberal states. It looks like liberal states are predominantly profligate. And how well are their citizens faring? Take a look—and read the entire study. Maybe these states might want to consult Greece (?). This summary […]
Human Flourishing, the Bible and Books
06 Jul 2015
I just finished reading a very helpful book for Christians interested in how they should think about capitalism, wealth, and the Bible. The author is John R. Schneider and the title is The Good of Affluence: Seeking God in a Culture of Wealth (Eerdmans, 2002). It is 13 years old and I thought I would […]
Today’s blog takes direct aim at our “cultural elites,” including both self-styled elites and governmental elites. The catalyst for this was a statistic I heard coming from the Barna Group. The polling organization was doing surveys on homosexual marriage, freedom of religion, etc. One poll found that about 20% of all adults surveyed believed that […]
Gay Marriage: When We Lose, We Can Still Win
30 Jun 2015
There is much to say about the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. For those interested in the text, go here. Just like the march toward gay marriage, the reactions to it have been swift and unrelenting.* Though I am sorely tempted to write more about the actual decision, I would rather focus on our […]
The latest session of the United States Supreme Court is finished. It was both busy and momentous (not always in a positive way). A few decisions were good. many were not. But the Supreme Court did get one important case right this term. That was the last case it handed down, the case of Michigan […]
The Rainbow’s Unfortunate Use last Week
30 Jun 2015
You know, it might seem like a small thing, but the lighting of the White House the evening of the homosexual marriage decision with the colors of the LGBT movement told me something about the people running it—and to a large extent, running our country. Throughout history when military victories were won, the victor was […]
Today’s Democratic Party is apostate – not that the Republican Party is the epitome of virtue, mind you (far from it). But as a Christian voter primarily faced with these two “evils,” I find the political options to be hypothetically similar to having to choose between voting for Lot or casting a vote for the […]