I cannot claim to have known S. Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A’s founder, who died today, but I will sing his praises. When I was writing my dissertation at the University of Georgia, I had the opportunity to teach history and government courses at Prince Avenue Christian School in Athens, GA. I also coached varsity girls and […]
S. Truett Cathy, R.I.P.
08 Sep 2014
Mr. Obama used his weekend address to try and refocus attention away from disastrous foreign policy news and to something that can motivate his base. Even Democrats are attacking his “hands off” approach, with Senator Dianne Feinstein calling him “too cautious.” So its only natural that Mr. Obama would like to change the subject. […]
Elizabeth Warren came out with her 11 Commandments today. For some reason I think 10 Commandments would be better. But in any case, here they are, with this Berean’s counter following in italics: “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.” Bereans believe that […]
Ok, the title line is intended to shock you a bit. But the point is culturally the left has taken a bad thing biblically (treating people badly solely on account of race) and extended it to mean that any unequal treatment of anybody for any reason is bad. And that is preposterous. Not only is […]
Thoughts for the Day on Scandal and Conspiracy
24 Jun 2014
It may appear to be a slow summer, but if you look more closely you will see that the same issues continue to percolate–the IRS scandal, the immigration influx, Benghazi, Obamacare (especially now, as we are one day away from a Supreme Court decision on the mandate and religious freedom), the VA scandal, proposed regulations […]
Virgil Smith, R.I.P.
26 May 2014
Virgil Smith was my father’s father. He is buried in the Henri-Chapelle military cemetery, one of the 420,000 Americans who died during World War 2. Virgil Smith was a West Virginia coal miner and a father of five. When the war began, like countless others, he enlisted. A Private First Class in the U.S. Army, […]
A Nice Discovery
04 Apr 2014
To take just a slight break from contemporary political and economic events and issues, I discovered a “new” book last night which I would recommend to all freedom-loving and responsible people. Actually, it was published first in 1873, with a second edition the following year. The author was the now obscure James Fitzjames Stephen, and […]
Fetal Remains Used as Energy Source
24 Mar 2014
According to The Telegraph, in some of Great Britain’s leading hospitals The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation has found. I am not sure commenting is necessary.
We have all been hearing and reading about man-made global warming the past five years, and in some cases we have been beaten over the head with it by those who insist not only that the earth has been warming, but that the cause is environmental degradation. The solution, they assert, is radical environmental regulation, […]
The amazing this is NOT that Ray Nagin, former New Orleans’ Mayor, was convicted on corruption charges, but that he is the FIRST mayor in the Crescent City’s sordid history to be so charged.”Laissez les bons temps rouler!” I taught for a year at Tulane University, which is in New Orleans. The food is delicious […]