In the Iowa caucuses, Mr. Sanders lost to Mrs. Clinton on all the major issues except income inequality, as reported in the WSJ (gated): The pollsters asked caucus-goers to choose one of four issues that mattered most to them in voting for a candidate. Mrs. Clinton easily won on health care, terrorism, and even the economy […]
I have one question which I need answered, especially since I’m teaching my macro class about taxation this week and next. Where is there Biblical justification for progressive taxation? Specifically, I’d like to know why two people should be treated differently by the tax code if one makes $100k and the other makes $300k, from […]
Merry Christmas
26 Dec 2015
I have to admit I like to read and hear Jonah Goldberg, author, speaker and frequent contributor to National Review. As he himself admits, he is not Christian (Jewish), but he also admires and respects Christians. Sometimes, Goldberg can be a little “colorful” though he is also very often very funny. His wit is quick. […]
30 Aug 2015
Yesterday my wife, Mary Ann, read me Eric Metaxes’s tweets poking fun at Donald Trump’s refusal or inability to provide his favorite Bible verse. We both had if not exactly a gut-laugh at least a pretty good chuckle. Trump’s comments (or lack thereof) have caused a bit of a stir in Twitter land over the […]
In one of the rare triumphs (likely fleeting–see below), the Republicans actually let the Import-Export Bank die a most well-deserved death by refusing to renew its charter which expired at the end of June. For those that don’t know, this government program is known as “Boeing’s bank,” since it subsidizes loans to foreigners who are […]
Today’s Democratic Party is apostate – not that the Republican Party is the epitome of virtue, mind you (far from it). But as a Christian voter primarily faced with these two “evils,” I find the political options to be hypothetically similar to having to choose between voting for Lot or casting a vote for the […]
Some economic links from the web worth reading
09 Jun 2015
Over on Cafe Hayek, Don Boudreaux has yet another gem on the minimum wage. I love his economic work so much that I am almost despondent that I’ll never be as logically articulate as he is. But I’ll keep trying. In that article I offer an extended quote for the day: One of the greatest […]
Like a stopped clock being right twice a day, Mr. Obama is right on Trade Promotion Authority
07 May 2015
Readers of this blog know I’m critical of the Obama administration generally on economic matters, nevertheless, as we say from my home state of Arkansas, “even a blind hog can find an acorn every now and again.” The Democratic party has been generally hostile toward free trade for most of my life, while Republicans are […]
Former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve board joined the chorus of Wall Street cheerleaders saying the Fed can afford to be patient with raising interest rates earlier this week. His rationale? Inflation as measured by the consumer price index or the Fed’s favored measure is very low: The so-called hawks, who have been calling […]
Vaccines. Vaccines? Vaccines! With the recent spike in measles cases, the argument about vaccines has resurrected and, as most things it seems, has now become a political issue for Republican presidential candidates. Jim Geraghty has an interesting piece on the dynamics at work. One difference compared to previous years is that the presumptive Republican field […]