I love Russell Moore; I greatly enjoy his teaching and respect much of what I hear from him. Yet while a foolish person may be occasionally right, so too can a wise person be occasionally wrong. In an article over at 9Marks, Dr. Moore suggests that politics has consumed the Christian church. I read into […]
Could Russell Moore be wrong? Maybe we don’t need less Christian engagement in Politics, maybe we need more?
25 Apr 2018
Jonathan asked a good question in response to our VLOG this past week, and I think it merits a separate response to spell it out. For those that did not watch the video, I basically argued that Christians should be concerned when the pursuit of justice is guided by politics, rather than justice being blind, […]
When in the Course of human events …
04 Jul 2017
… it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they […]
Venezuela is starving, please pray
05 May 2017
From today’s WSJ, Venezuela is starving (gated). No political economy discussion really needed here. The socialist experiment is turning Venezuela into North Korea, with all the attendant misery. This is potentially going to be worse than Syria. This is an unmitigated, albeit predictable, disaster. No need to discuss the issue as to why, just pray for […]
Ted Poe, R-NC, and a House member of the Freedom Caucus, has quit the group, uttering these words among others: “saying no is easy, governing is hard.” This was in reference to the Caucus’s opposition to the American Health Care Act, which was pulled by Paul Ryan before a vote. Poe says he wants to […]
The Saudis are learning the economics of perfect competition–Price equals Marginal Cost.
10 Mar 2017
Oil took a dive south again this week, going below $50/barrel yesterday. As we’ve discussed before, the American “fracker” is now the marginal supplier–ready to turn on the spigots at the first sign of a higher price. In an introductory Econ course, we’ll review what is often called “perfect competition,” or more appropriately, a price-taker market. […]
Non-Fake Update on Fake News
13 Dec 2016
This is getting a bit confusing. Now we see fake news writers excoriating what they call fake news. Moreover, we now have a battle of alleged fake news going. In the past few days the allegation that Russia was hacking the Democratic National Committee website has been a major theme of the Left in DC. […]
“Fraud!” cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered “Fraud!” But one scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed. They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain, And they knew that Casey wouldn’t let that ball go by again. Empassioned sports fans don’t like a bad call, and we […]
Its puzzling to me, tell me why?
30 Sep 2016
Why is it that many Americans are concerned about CEO pay (S&P 500 median compensation $10.8M in 2015), but are not concerned that Taylor Swift made $170M last year? Or that LeBron James made $77M? Why is it that people are concerned about an explosion in the price hikes of monopolist producers of EpiPen, but […]
When asked how one could tell whether a country had left capitalism and become a socialist economy, the Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises said: “A stock market is crucial to the existence of capitalism and private property. For it means that there is a functioning market in the exchange of private titles to the means of […]