Two weeks ago, our beloved dog, Luna, left us too soon. One day, she was prancing to greet new or old friends that entered the house. The next, we had to say cruel goodbyes. Our small house, always full, now sits empty. Luna’s preferred place was in the living room, atop a couch that rests […]
The Dog in the Window
05 Jul 2021
Patriotism in Worship: A Study of Three Views
03 Jul 2021
This Sunday, Christians will find themselves seated in pews on a national holiday (July 4). Many American churches will recognize the national celebration by singing songs about America, reciting the pledge, or honoring those who have served in the military. But—should we celebrate these patriotic holidays in our church services? It seems there are three […]
Inflation–Savior or Devil?
08 Jun 2021
Regular Berean readers may be wondering–are the Bereans AWOL? Do they not care about the issues anymore? Do they think that there is no need for Christian political economy now that Mr. Biden has rescued us from Mr. Trump? Or maybe they are just academics who think the summer is a sabbatical for….whatever academics get […]
I’ve missed theaters this year. I saw Christopher Nolan’s Tenet earlier, but I’ve grown accustomed to a steady diet of Sour Patch, comfortable seats, and creative expression. Habits though, like ideas, have consequences. Many of my trips to the cinema over the years have been tiny investments in an economic and cultural system empowering a […]
Markets Matter (Apparently, So Do Minks)
13 Nov 2020
Early on in the lockdown, probably April, I read an article that pointed out the mob related issues created by the pandemic. Essentially, the Italian government is concerned that the mob will take advantage of the distressed businesses. Later on, the mob will come back and ask for favors that the business owner can no […]
Bing’s Big Day
22 Oct 2020
I’m sure no one was surprised by the DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit against Google. Someone who handles over 80% of domestic internet queries is definitely a monopoly, right?! Even better, Chrome controls about 70% of global browser traffic, 85% of the world’s smartphones run on Android, and Google receives 63% of search engine ad revenue in […]
Hello! My name is Carter and I am a new writer here for the Bereans at the Gate. I hope you find my posts engaging and at least a little comical. Enough about me – on with the show! For most of human history, the average Joe has had very little say about how he […]
Preparing Financially For The Next Crisis
05 Oct 2020
While the old axiom states that nothing is so certain as death and taxes, it may be equally true to say that if we live long enough we will experience a crisis. Many readers recall living through the Great Recession of 2007/2008. Others have experienced 9/11 or the bubble of 2000, and for older […]
Ok, Bereans, now its your turn!
05 Oct 2020
There is so much to say about this…ahem, “reasoned analysis,” that I think I’ll turn it over to you. How would you critique this article? Try to limit your response to no more than 3 things. I will add to your comments but then provide a subsequent edited update to summarize my thoughts in a […]
Coronavirus, Market panics, and Election 2020
09 Mar 2020
Markets are in a panic on Monday morning early, with Dow Futures down ~1300 and oil down another 20% (over fear of an oil glut), with the Saudis and Russians in disagreement on oil production levels. With global supply chains in a bit of chaos with Coronavirus, global output is going down for this first […]