Stephen Breyer, 83, appears to be stepping off the United States Supreme Court. The oldest member,* Breyer said recently he did not intend to “die on the Court,” though it was not clear he would retire so soon. Breyer was nominated by Bill Clinton and got 87 Senate votes for confirmation, a result that seems […]
Stephen Breyer Steps Down
26 Jan 2022
USA Today recently published an article that conservative critics declaimed as attempting to normalize pedophilia. The article makes several claims, including: (a) pedophilia must be distinguished from sexual child abuse or molestation, since it is an attraction not an action; (b) “pedophilia is determined in the womb” and because it is inborn, it isn’t something […]
One more quick thought on “transitory” inflation
15 Dec 2021
What if the Fed were right when said earlier in the year that inflation was going to be transitory? Let’s be clear–a kidney stone is transitory, but nobody in their right mind would say, “yeh I’m ok with having a kidney stone since it’s only transitory.” Yes I’m glad the Fed is ending their use […]
Democrats “cast off restraint”
23 Sep 2021
In 2015 I penned a post on Proverbs 29:18, commonly quoted as “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Today I think it’s time to come back to that theme. In my original post, I argued that the common meaning from the KJV doesn’t capture the Bible’s intent, with the ESV (and NASB/NIV/NKJV) translation […]
From their classic textbook, Universal Economics: Not only are violations of ethics more likely to prevent successful market activities but they are arguably more powerful in the economic market than in the markets of political and social exchange. Ask whether a seller/supplier or a politician tends to make more reliable promises. Which will suffer most, […]
History doesn’t repeat, Mark Twain said, but it sometimes rhymes. Sometimes the rhymes are so compelling that they cry out for comment. President Biden’s speech on August 31, 2021, on the end of the war in Afghanistan was, for me, one of those times. It recalled to me a speech given on June 4, 1940, […]
Texas, Roe, & the Constitution
02 Sep 2021
Yesterday, a unique Texas law went into effect. The statute bans abortion if a fetal heartbeat is detected, which is generally around six weeks in a pregnancy. A smattering of heartbeat bills have made it through state legislatures, and they have mostly been struck down by federal courts. What makes the Texas law different is […]
One of the great privileges of my time serving in the U.S. Air Force was the assumption of command of the 1st Air and Space Test Squadron at Vandenberg AFB California in 2006. While there are many higher and strategically consequential command positions, most military leaders will agree that this level of unit command is […]
Mr. Biden’s Victorious Surrender
17 Aug 2021
Let’s agree that Mr. Biden was dealt a bad hand in Afghanistan. Many previous administrations* had failed to deal with the quagmire, and there certainly was no good set of options available to any president. But was it possible for Mr. Biden to play his cards any worse? What he has done, and what he […]
This past week, dear reader, you may have noticed the kerfuffle in the news about Simone Biles, especially if you’ve been following the Tokyo Olympics. Biles, a many-time national and world champion gymnast from Columbus, Ohio, has set enough new marks of excellence for American gymnasts that some pre-Olympics commentary mentioned her as the greatest […]