Policy analysts often refer to multifaceted problems, that are resistant to traditional solutions, as “wicked.” Unwed, teenage pregnancy has grown into one of those. Historically, teenage pregnancy was limited through lack of access and shame. The automobile, the pill, and shifting sexual mores have redefined the phenomenon. Now, we no longer shame unwed, teen moms, […]
Teen Pregnancy as a Wicked Problem
15 Mar 2013
The “Randpage,” as Drudge has named it, continues. Rand Paul has decided to use one of the Senate’s most distinguished techniques, the filibuster, to state his opposition to John Brennan’s nomination, and eventual confirmation, as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Paul’s opposition stems primarily from Brennan’s willingness to allow drone strikes of American citizens, even […]
More on Fossil-Fuel Divestment
06 Mar 2013
For those of you who want to read the second and third installment of the “Fossil-Fuel Divestment” article of March 4, 2013, go to the National Review Online for today, March 6 and you will find both yesterday’s and today’s final parts. Enjoy reading and take careful note. This is a “wedge issue” which really goes […]
Same Song, Different Tunes
06 Mar 2013
The following longer piece is designed to bring light rather than heat to the on-going debates regarding free market institutions versus government. We hear quite a bit about the battles between conservatives (the American equivalent of classical liberals) and liberals (the American equivalent of Modern Liberals or Social Democrats). This is especially true regarding their […]
Fossil-Fuel Divestment
05 Mar 2013
Fossil-Fuel Divestment If the reader wants to know what one particular anti-capitalist and anti-growth movement looks like, see this article. It is actually in three parts at the National Review Online. This is the first part from March 4, 2013. Radical environmental groups may be small but they are well-funded and appealing to the Millenials. […]
Whose Economic Vision?
28 Feb 2013
Bert Wheeler Professor of Economics Berry Chair for Free Enterprise at Cedarville University When it comes to opinions on our nation’s economy, there are two opposing visions. One casts the United States as a nation based on free enterprise with minimal government involvement in business affairs. The other casts the United States as a nation […]