The following was sent to my e-mail via Sojourners, a publication under the auspices of Jim Wallis. I find it very interesting that the writer blames “our love of chocolate” for the problem. The following paid, sponsored message from Walk Free was sent to you via Sojourners. Dear Marc, In the cocoa fields of the Ivory Coast, […]
Is Chocolate to Blame?
03 Feb 2014
Law and the Christian: A Modest Proposal
01 Feb 2014
Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Do you have a good idea of what ought to be illegal and what legal? Do you know why you know, if you do? In other words, what is your foundation for distinguishing right and wrong? Do you have a foundation at all? Our society of […]
Republicans versus Republicans: The Next Battle?
29 Jan 2014
Yesterday President Obama gave the annual State of the Union address to Congress. We now know something of his agenda for the coming year. My colleague Dr. Smith has already discussed the president’s probable new way of governing, the executive order. President Obama did indeed strongly imply he would “go around” Congress. I would also […]
Chris Christie’s Leadership Culture
10 Jan 2014
Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) held a long press conference yesterday, attempting to squelch a burgeoning scandal. People in Christie’s inner circle apparently used the Governor’s office to discomfit a political rival, and the fallout could be dramatic. Email exchanges show that Christie aids ordered lane closures during peak travel times around Fort Lee, NJ, and […]
Of Ducks and Dynasties
21 Dec 2013
In the end, I agree with Phil Robertson, but I also think A & E is right to put him on hiatus or to cancel Duck Dynasty if it chooses to do so. But, if A & E does pull the plug on the most popular show on cable television, the decision will reveal the […]
The Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has told his people that a major appliance retailer in his country is unfairly selling televisions at high prices. His response was to send in troops to take over stores and auction off items at much lower prices. In particular, he believes that his supporters should have plasma televisions. It […]
Are Millennials Victims of Helicopter Parenting?
02 Dec 2013
Slate is running a piece by Brooke Donatone, a therapist at New York University counseling services, who notes that her clients from the millennial generation are struggling toward adulthood. Amy (not her real name), for example, has been depressed since her first year in college, and cannot balance homework, laundry, and a part-time job. Donatone cites […]
In case some were not aware. not only was Friday, November 22 the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, but also the 50th anniversary of the deaths of both C. S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley. Lewis is of course well-known and loved by many Christians as an apologist of sorts as […]
My colleague Jeffrey Haymond has written a nice blog concerning cronyism in the Obamacare debacle. I am addressing a different but equally important problem—where do we go from here? The Affordable Care Act (now the favorite title for liberals), known popularly as Obamacare is under increasing criticism. Republicans and conservatives are in the forefront of […]
In their new book, published by Crossway in 2013, The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution, the authors Wayne Grudem and Barry Asmus tackle the issue of whether one can make a distinctively Christian defense of markets and economic growth. The book involves a unique combination of authors and perspectives. Grudem is a well-known and […]