Matt’s Marvelous Mailbag seeks to provide marginally adequate answers to much better questions about politics, economics, social life, theology, or any potpourri you see fit to have answered. Send questions to Well, well, well. Guess what folks? After two long years, the Mueller report is here, annnnnd….we got nothing. Shocker, I know. The President […]
The Mailbag! – Vol. 20
25 Mar 2019
The Mailbag! – Vol. 18
11 Mar 2019
Matt’s Marvelous Mailbag seeks to provide marginally adequate answers to much better questions about politics, economics, social life, theology, or any potpourri you see fit to have answered. Send questions to Well, the good news for the mailbag is that I’m beginning to get nudges throughout the week asking me about when the mailbag […]
Trump’s Executive Folly
15 Feb 2019
Today, President Donald J. Trump (R) declared a national emergency due to the southern border. His decree came not long after signing a spending bill that included money to secure the border. Let that sink in for a moment. Trump is relying on the National Emergencies Act (1976), which was an effort to reign in […]
The Mailbag! – Vol. 15
11 Feb 2019
Matt’s Marvelous Mailbag seeks to provide marginally adequate answers to much better questions about politics, economics, social life, theology, or any potpourri you see fit to have answered. Send questions to I was watching the last VLOG, and, right towards the end, Dr. Wheeler mentioned that he would probably rebel against government much more […]
When I accepted a Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarship to study in Australia, I did not know exactly what to expect, having no experience with the land of kangaroos and koalas, nor any graduate-level training in history. The wonderful experience has brought many surprises, on which I will perhaps write more someday, but two of the most […]
The Mailbag! – Vol. 12
21 Jan 2019
Matt’s Marvelous Mailbag seeks to provide marginally adequate answers to much better questions about politics, economics, social life, theology, or any potpourri you see fit to have answered. Send questions to I have to start out this week by recommending a piece of classical music: Samson and Delilah Act 2 by Saint-Saens. Even if opera isn’t […]
See the website plug-in to view our most recent VLOG, where the Bereans address an important question: to what degree is the GOP now the party of Donald Trump? See what you think and leave comments below.
Mid-term elections are typically rough for the President’s party. Below are some figures that simply lay out results in mid-terms between 1946 and 2014. The first figure looks at results in the U.S. House. Some things jump out quickly. There is a significant amount of variability, but nearly all of it is in negative territory. […]
Trump and Trade: Bereans VLOG (10/15/2018)
17 Oct 2018
Our latest VLOG is up and ready to view in the site’s plug-in. Also, you can subscribe to our channel on YouTube if that makes viewing the videos simpler. Please leave any comments below.
One of the great selling points for pro-Trump conservatives during the campaign was that Trump would be constrained by wise, prudent advisors who would put guardrails around the president. Mike Pence, Ben Carson, John Kelly, James Mattis, and others would all push Trump toward better outcomes and they would make up for his historic lack […]