Have you heard about the “Tiny House” movement? Many probably haven’t, though some may have lived in tiny houses growing up (that was “accidental” unlike this movement). This movement however is a conscious attempt to provide affordable housing in cities where housing is all but unaffordable except for the well-off. As you might expect, some […]
Tiny Houses and Tiny Government
29 Oct 2014
Flood Wall Street – A Misplaced Trickle
24 Sep 2014
While Sunday’s “People’s Climate March” is being described as the largest climate protest event of all time with organizers claiming over 310,000 participants in New York City, the more radical protesters saved their skills for Monday’s “Flood Wall Street” protest. Around 1000 protesters spent the day trying to get in the way in and about Wall […]
Hot Air in New York
22 Sep 2014
The “Climate Mongers” are at it again. Thousands of protesters were out in New York and a few other cities around the world to try to salvage their dying cause of man-made global warming and the associated “solutions” they have variously proposed. The mainstream news media were also on this story like leeches, giving it […]
We often debate the role of government in the economy, with most of your Berean bloggers taking a skeptical view of government beyond the biblical role of avenger of evil that God calls out in Romans 13. Government is an institution that, while populated by people marred by the fall, is nevertheless ordained by God […]
Elizabeth Warren came out with her 11 Commandments today. For some reason I think 10 Commandments would be better. But in any case, here they are, with this Berean’s counter following in italics: “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.” Bereans believe that […]
Bill Bloat, or, Statutory Satiation
25 Jun 2014
Congress hasn’t passed all that much legislation in some time, or at least not anything much of significance. That may be a good thing. But in this blog I want to take a look at a very disturbing trend in the legislation that has passed. Below I have listed some of the most important bills […]
First Lady Food Frenzy
27 May 2014
The First Lady Michelle Obama is at it again. Reacting to her critics she has reiterated the necessity of food regulations for school lunch programs. Many schools and districts have complained about the rules, arguing that they are restrictive. Economists and policy analysts have also criticized the rules, designed to limit fat, calorie, sugar and […]
Allan Meltzer is perhaps the greatest living monetary economist; his A History of the Federal Reserve, is the definitive standard on the Fed. He was a contemporary of Milton Friedman, and a noted monetarist scholar in his own right. Discussing the Fed today, he ventures slightly off course: Broadly speaking, the Obama administration has pursued […]
The “Point One” Percent
01 May 2014
We are all collectively the “point one percent” now. That is, we live in an economy that measured ,1% (you read that right) growth in GDP in the first quarter of 2014. Are we in for a “double dip” recession–have we really emerged from the previous one, despite fine economic definitions (and let’s be clear, […]
Rules, Rules for All
30 Apr 2014
Readers should check out this short article in Investors.com on United States regulatory costs (April 30, 2014). The article is entitled “U. S. Regulatory Costs are World’s No. 10 Economy.” As the title suggests, the total cost in one year to affected parties of all Federal regulations is larger than all but ten of the […]