It looks as if the blow-up at Northwestern University has made the liberals very uneasy. A professor there, Laura Kipnis, who admits she herself is liberal and feminist, published an essay in the Chronicle of Higher Education. From an article on the situation by Rod Dreher, in The American Conservative, on June 2, we read […]
It is probably part of my flesh that still needs serious work (Prov 24:17), but I have to publicly confess I get a thrill of “Justice!” when I see those that are profiting from political power get their comeuppance. Crony capitalism is perhaps, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder. But at its simplest, […]
States Limit Local Regulation: Finally
19 May 2015
An interesting development has arisen on the issue of regulation. It seems that some state legislatures have moved to limit how much local governments will be allowed to regulate businesses and people. This is quite a development. In the past usually the states were only too happy not only to regulate directly themselves but to […]
Inner Cities, Part 2: A Partial Response
29 Apr 2015
After a couple of responses to my first post on the solution to the problems of inner cities, I decided I ought to delve a little deeper. I am responding here to two similar but different types of responses. One asks what can Christians do? The other is a bit irritated at my alleged “Gospel-without-solutions” […]
The United States Supreme Court heard another important case Wednesday, April 22, Horne v. Department of Agriculture. Under a 1937 New Deal era Marketing Order scheme, the Federal government gets to confiscate outright whatever percentage of a raisin crop is deemed necessary to keep raisin prices high, or high enough. Henry Horne, a raisin grower […]
It’s Earth Day!
22 Apr 2015
Everyone, it is Earth Day. I remember painting garbage cans and lids with peace signs as a Sophomore in high school in the early 1970s to celebrate this hallowed day–at least for the radical environmentalists. Look, I support clean air and water–though not the eradication of CO2, which I breath out and trees and plants […]
Overcriminalization before the Supreme Court
21 Apr 2015
Overcriminalization is in the Supreme Court news this week, according to Jonathan Keim, writing in the National Review Online in the April 19 issue. Keim tells us that five cases to be heard by the Court thus week concern the issue of overcriminalization statutory law. This issue is one I have followed since it came […]
Charles Murray at Cedarville University
13 Mar 2015
The ideas of most humans are formed by their basic worldview combined with their existential circumstances. I believe this fairly self-evident statement applies in particular to the talk given by Dr. Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute at Cedarville University, Thursday night, March 12. Murray is a brilliant man and his talk was a […]
Earlier in the week I criticized the results of Dodd-Frank, because it has miserably failed at its ostensible purpose of preventing future “too big too fail” incidents. Indeed, not only did it not succeed in this–in the sense of reducing the number of potential risks–it has significantly exacerbated it as the banks are increasingly consolidating […]
Why I am so “cynical” about Washington DC reforms–why too big too fail leads to bigger and bigger
05 Mar 2015
The main reason I am so disbelieving of the efficacy of regulatory reforms (some would say cynical) is that I don’t believe that Washington politicians are completely incompetent. I believe that much of the results that occur are desired, at least by somebody. When the progressives took power in 2009, they were very clearly going […]