President Obama was at center stage of the American political drama last night, giving us his own conception of the state of our union. And, as we might have predicted, in his mind it is “strong.” Maybe this is the equivalent of the medieval tactic of beating swords upon shields to signify strength and to intimidate […]
SOTU: A Dwindling Presidency
29 Jan 2014
Republicans versus Republicans: The Next Battle?
29 Jan 2014
Yesterday President Obama gave the annual State of the Union address to Congress. We now know something of his agenda for the coming year. My colleague Dr. Smith has already discussed the president’s probable new way of governing, the executive order. President Obama did indeed strongly imply he would “go around” Congress. I would also […]
Obama’s “New” Agenda?
27 Jan 2014
There is a minor flurry of activity on the internet surrounding President Obama’s upcoming State of the Union Address. Much of it surrounds the Administration’s “new” agenda that emphasizes executive action and White House leadership, as compared to the more restrained and legislatively bound presidency we have seen up to this point. At least, this is […]
Argument for focusing on Wealth Inequality evaporates. Will this stop Mr. Obama in his speech tomorrow?
27 Jan 2014
Mr. Obama continues to focus on wealth inequality as the causal force driving lack of opportunity, and is expected to push to some degree in his SOTU speech. As we discussed last month, Mr. Obama asserts this is “the defining challenge of our time.” Notice the reason this is so important: it is a difficult […]
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), scion of the New York political family, has declared that conservative extremists have no place in his state. What is it that makes them extreme? Apparently, it is opposition to abortion, gay marriage, and gun control. Today, January 22, 2014, is the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court […]
Hillary for President?
20 Jan 2014
I recently received my latest issue of Time magazine and found the cover story dedicated to the idea that Hillary Clinton is in the driver seat when it comes to the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 2016. This concept is only supported by the fact that polling organizations are already comparing favorability numbers between […]
A New Year and God: An Exhortation
05 Jan 2014
In this new year it is always useful to take stock of where we are and have been, but more helpful is it to take a renewed look at who God is and why it matters. For Christians 2013 has been a mixed bag, or worse, depending on one’s disposition. We read of persecution of […]
Legislating Morality? Addendum to Part 3
02 Jan 2014
Well, it seems the third in a series of blogs on “Legislating Morality?” has elicited a few comments on the, shall we say, opposing side of the issue. So in the interest of fairness and sympathy I will try to clarify in this blog a couple of issues. The two most controversial issues I raised […]
The Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has told his people that a major appliance retailer in his country is unfairly selling televisions at high prices. His response was to send in troops to take over stores and auction off items at much lower prices. In particular, he believes that his supporters should have plasma televisions. It […]
Science supports complementarianism! Warning: political incorrectness within–enter at your own risk!
11 Dec 2013
On the day after GM announced its first ever female CEO, we can consider the latest scientific evidence on male/female differences. The latest science reported in the popular press is making much of brain imaging which identifies the way neurons fire in the brain. You will be shocked–yes shocked–to know that women’s brains operate differently […]