An interesting subject of discussion the last few days has been the County Clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, Kim Davis. She has made national news by refusing to issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple, not once, but four times. She now sits in a Rowan County jail, put there after being held in […]
Donald Trump sits now where he is most comfortable–at the center of reality. Like sunflowers craning toward the daylight, it seems our body politic is bent toward the billionaire carnival-barker turned politician. This “Trumpotropism” is unsettling to our political class, especially of the genus Republican. The disquiet is deafening. There is good reason for concern. Trump […]
Global Climate “Lukewarmness”
07 Aug 2015
I have been listening on Econtalk, a podcast production by economist Russ Roberts, to an interview with Matt Ridley, who calls himself a “lukewarmer” regarding climate change (by the way, I highly recommend Econtalk). To be a “lukewarmer” is to believe climate change is probably man-made, but not dangerous. Now before I get criticisms for […]
Technocracy and Human Flourishing
03 Aug 2015
During the Obama administration, and especially the last five years after the passage of Obamacare, we have seen numerous attempts, some successful and others still in the process, to impose more Federal top-down regulations on all sorts of human activities. Besides Obamacare and its 15,000 pages of regulations, we have the massive regulatory scheme flowing […]
That is the question raised in an op-ed over at the NYT (hat tip to The Gospel Coalition), covering the recent video sting of planned parenthood operatives calmly (while eating lunch!) discussing how they make sure to crush the unborn child in a manner that allows them to still harvest the vital organs to sell. […]
My Berean colleague Mark Smith wrote a very astute piece for this blog on the recent announcement by Ohio Governor Jon Kasich as a candidate for the presidency in 2016. He received an interesting and stimulating comment, to which I wish to reply as a separate blog. If you want the entire comment, go to […]
Quote of the Day (and Comment)
21 Jul 2015
The relationship between virtue and institutions has been debated for many years, even centuries, by political thinkers, not to mention even clergy. For Christians this is a particularly important issue. To what extent can we rely on the arrangement of political and legal institutions to “check ambition” and prevent mischievous abuse of power? Do we […]
Yepper…well worth a watch, from his presentation at the Family Research Council last week. As the world tells us to be quiet, Mr. Grudem calls pastors to speak towards issues that Christians should be a positive influence on. I think it strikes a nice balance. What do you think? Add your comments below.
Some Questions to Ponder: Just Asking
15 Jul 2015
I have a few questions for thought today. I am not answering them, though the reader may well have some idea where I am on them. So just read and ponder. Please feel free to comment too. I have not read the Iran nuclear deal yet, but I understand it will aid Iran in developing […]
TPP. TPA. I’m Confused–and Still Skeptical
12 Jun 2015
Andrew MCarthy has an interesting post in the National Review Online, in which he says opponents of the TPA (Trade Promotion Authority), which gives the president the authority to ask for an “up-or-down” vote on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the real legislation, are off base for their opposition. His argument is technically true. What is […]