As we watched the Democratic and Republican Party presidential debates, I have heard some, but not nearly enough, discussion of the problems of the “regulatory state,” that is, that “Fourth Branch” of government affectionately called bureaucracy. Since this is a national election, I will confine my comments to the Federal agencies such as EPA, FCC, […]
Another Modest Proposal
02 Nov 2015
Reefer Madness in Ohio – Issue 3
28 Oct 2015
As goes Ohio, so goes the nation. On Tuesday November 3, Ohioans will go (hopefully flock in droves) to the polls to vote either for or against ballot initiative Issue 3. Issue 3 is a proposed constitutional amendment calling for the legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational use. There are many reasons why you might want […]
Fellow Berean Mark Caleb Smith continues to write eloquently about the need for improving civil discourse, as in our current featured post, yet I fear he will continue to be a voice in the wilderness. While he and I have some disagreements in this area, certainly he is right that a major problem in our […]
Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Tennyson’s Charge of the Light Brigade was once a staple of male youth. The poem is both an anthem to the glory of military sacrifice and an ode to the brutality of battle. It is […]
As the Obama administration has completed its negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders were quick to pounce: Trump tweeted The incompetence of our current administration is beyond comprehension. TPP is a terrible deal. Of course, agreeing with Mr. Trump on the first statement in no way […]
Boehner Resigns: Expect Nothing to Change
25 Sep 2015
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) will resign from both his Speakership and the U.S. House effective at the end of October. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) announced the resignation at the Values Voter Summit in D.C. and was greeted with a standing ovation as he did so. Expect similar reactions along the right side […]
Secret Service Codenames?
17 Sep 2015
For some silly reason, CNN’s Jake Tapper decided to ask the candidates what their Secret Service codename would be if they won the presidency. Rarely funny, and generally painful, their answers didn’t exactly jump off the page. Here are my offerings: Carson–Scissorhands or Scalpel Trump–Bombast Christie–StayPuft Paul–EyePatch Fiorina–Stiletto Rubio–Hobbs Jeb–Eggo Huckabee–Gantry Kasich–Marbles Cruz–Pyro Walker–Cheesehead
I hate to so severely disagree with an otherwise insightful Christian writer, but I am forced to take issue forcefully with an article by Cal Thomas, a syndicated columnist, and a long-respected Christian cultural critic, in a Fox News Online Opinion column of September 11, 2015, entitled “America has never been a ‘Christian’ nation. Kim […]
Seventeen Republicans have thrown their tam o’ shanters into the presidential ring and as we just passed Labor Day, the race is still in flux. Expect it to stay that way at least until January, and even then, there will be movement and surprises. The figure above is a rough sketch of average polling […]
The European Disease
07 Sep 2015
If there is anything more representative of the immense waste, bureaucratic elitism and arrogance, it is this report of the erection of a new, decorative statue of a tree outside the new European Central Bank headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. The statue, ostensibly of a Walnut tree, cost about $1 million in American dollars. The tree […]