240 years ago, more or less on July 4 (the actual date of the signing of the Declaration is debated), the members of the Continental Congress signed a document that severed the bonds of the American colonies from their British rulers. For many Americans, this day is still cause for celebration for that reason, as […]
The Progressive Dream: In Reality
30 Jun 2016
In the period from about 1890 to 1920, labeled the Progressive Era, political thinkers, economists (a new profession then) and public intellectuals told Americans and Europeans that the best way to get efficient government that actually worked was to create independent boards, commissions and other similar organizations. We were told they would be free from […]
Making Britain Great Again? Does Brexit=Trump?
28 Jun 2016
A vote is a crude instrument. It is often a binary choice that cloaks oodles of complexity. Consider a typical ballot for office. Are votes cast for or against candidates? What factors are driving the decision? Economics? Party? Social concerns? Foreign policy? Personality? Charisma? Or, more grimly, for how many voters do racism, envy, and […]
Innovation and Bureaucracy: A Match Made in….
27 Jun 2016
“Bureaucrats Stifle Innovation” Maybe that sounds like something I might say. And you would be right. But I didn’t say that. It was the title of an article in Reason on June 1, 2016 by John Stossel. Yes, Stossel is polemical. But I think he is also on to something. The subtitle is “Taught Not […]
Goodbye EU
24 Jun 2016
Since the vote to leave the European Union is done, and Great Britain is out, I suppose I will give my opinion about it. This undoubtedly will not be shared by all. First, let me say—again—that I strongly favor free trade among nations. Having said that, the EU is very much more than an economic […]
Climate Change Advocates Don’t Like Free Speech
21 Jun 2016
We have been hearing quite a bit lately about the state attorneys generals’ attempts to require information from corporations, non-profit think tanks, university research centers and even individuals regarding so-called “climate denial.” The AGs have alleged that these entities have withheld information that acknowledges the reality and danger of climate change and thus have committed […]
Happy 100th Birthday Bernard Lewis
31 May 2016
Today is Bernard Lewis’ 100th birthday, quite a milestone for anyone. Lewis is a long-time (and I mean that literally) of Middle Eastern Islam and history and has gained a new hearing since 9/11 with his prescient work. He is currently Emeritus Professor at Princeton. His works are legion but many easily accessible to the […]
Some News of the Day/Week
19 May 2016
The following is just a little briefing that focuses our attention on some important recent issues (or at least what I think is interesting): Full disclosure: I am not a prolific user of social media, and I sometimes look down (secretly) on those who are—maybe I am really just jealous and I certainly am technologically […]
The Conservative Soul for a Supreme Court Seat?
19 May 2016
“Why, Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world . . . But for Wales!” Thomas More, Act 2, A Man for All Seasons Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for the presidency, yesterday released a list of Supreme Court prospects that might fill Antonin Scalia’s vacated seat. The […]
Religious liberty is seemingly coming under greater attack, either culturally or legally. As of now, a good many of the instances of this attack are represented in opposition to Christian attempts to claim what we may call “conscience rights.” What is conscience, that which someone called “that little voice in our heads”? What legitimate role […]