The City of Brotherly Shove hosted the Democratic National Convention. Wisely, I did not attend. The DNC was, like its GOP counterpart, a historic affair. At the end of it all, a major party nominated a person uniquely unfit for the presidency. Granted, Hillary Rodham Clinton is a woman, but as she would surely prefer, […]
Missives from the Morass: DNC Style
29 Jul 2016
Dem’s have annointed their choice for our elite ruler, Republicans have theirs. Which elite do you want?
27 Jul 2016
It’s a frustrating choice to be sure, but let’s take a few minutes to think about what Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton have in common. At root, they and their supporters think they have the right to direct our lives in very important ways. They differ, of course, in the specifics of how they want […]
As we are reminded in Hamilton; An American Musical, after they won the Battle of Yorktown to finish the War for Independence, American soldiers sang, while the redcoats were forced to listen to, a common drinking song of the day, The World Turned Upside Down. It was especially significant because it underscored the existence of […]
Globalism versus Globalization
22 Jul 2016
President Obama has shown his true colors again. In a speech to a group of ambassadors gathered at the White House (July 15) he said this: “I think we have to step back [from the Nice attack] and reflect on what we are doing to eliminate this kind of chronic violence. It’s been a difficult several weeks […]
Missives from the Morass: July 21
21 Jul 2016
Well, I thought it might be historic. It is, and the party nominee has not even taken the floor yet. Ted Cruz finished second in the G.O.P. nomination campaign and was booed off the floor of the convention last night. John Kasich, the host Governor and also a presidential candidate, has not darkened the door […]
Missives from the Morass: July 20
20 Jul 2016
So it was, at 5:58 p.m., July 19, 2016, that Jeff Sessions, U.S. Senator from Alabama, officially nominated Donald J. Trump as the Republican Party’s candidate for President of the United States. While a heavy majority of GOP delegates rose to their feet with a lusty cheer, an obvious rump stayed on their rumps, arms […]
Missives from the Morass: July 18
19 Jul 2016
You know what is more fun than driving in a metropolitan area for the first time? Doing it in the dark during a rain storm that makes you hanker for gopher wood. I decamped around 5:30 a.m., hoping to roll into the DoubleTree on the lakefront in time to stumble over my thoughts for Larry […]
Charles Murray has shown a division in the United States between the ordinary citizen and the “rich and/or famous” people (Murray, Coming Apart). The latter increasingly isolate themselves, physically and in other ways, from the rest of us. They also tend to live more extravagant lives, to the point sometimes of trampling on the “little […]
Rule of Man
10 Jul 2016
The recent decision by FBI Director James B. Comey recommending against charging Sec. Hillary Clinton for violations of the law while she served as Secretary of State under President Barak Obama, calls into question the rule of law in this country. Our country was founded on the concept of rule of law. Our mother country, […]
America weeps. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. Five Dallas police officers. The first two men were killed by law enforcement officers, the last five killed trying to secure a protest based on the first two deaths. America searches for solutions. Struggling with words to grapple with such a time as this, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said, “We […]