President Trump’s new immigration Executive Order (EO) was issued. You can read it at the New York Times of March 6, 2017: The order is a variation on his earlier January 27 order which was stopped from taking effect by a Federal court and the Federal Ninth Circuit. How is this one different? First, […]
What is Going On in the Surveillance World?
07 Mar 2017
What a morass we have now with regard to the allegations, refutations, and counter-allegations concerning the possibility of intelligence community “wiretapping” of Donald Trump or his associates before the election and after it. At this point, we have an allegation by President Trump that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. Now before people go off on […]
Is Trump Now the GOP?
01 Mar 2017
What, now, is the Republican Party? Last night, in his most conventional moment to date, President Trump challenged the soul of the GOP. Based on applause, is it now safe to say the Republican Party stands for protectionism, a $1 trillion infrastructure project, paid family and medical leave, and governmental restrictions on drug prices and […]
Immigration: A Partial Response
14 Feb 2017
My colleague Bert Wheeler wrote a recent piece on Bereans addressing more than one issue related to President Trump. The one that caught my attention was immigration policy. Bert expressed his concern (rightly) about Trump’s policies on that front. I assume from his use of the word “concerns” meant that he might or did have […]
Executive Order in the Court
04 Feb 2017
A Federal judge in Washington State today issued an injunction preventing the enforcement of President Trump’s Executive Order (EO)halting immigration and entry programs from seven nations for 90 and 120 days respectively. I have already written about my own response to the EO as a policy matter and also said something about a Christian response […]
Will Mr. Trump be the Squanderer-in-Chief?
02 Feb 2017
These are difficult days in the Trump administration. Really? Difficult days in only two weeks on the job? No Bereans were happy with Mr. Trump’s personal character, and no Bereans were happy with all of his policy prescriptions. Yet most of us believed that Mrs. Clinton was a worse evil, and all of us thought […]
Trump Comes Through for Evangelicals
31 Jan 2017
The most important moment of the 2016 presidential campaign happened on February 13, 2016. There were no primaries or caucuses and no one entered or dropped out of the race. Instead, on that day, the world learned of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death on a ranch in Texas. What was an important election against a historic […]
What Will Congress Do About Obamacare?
29 Jan 2017
What is going on with Obamacare, otherwise known as the Affordable Care Act? Spirits were high about quick action in the House and even the Senate. Ideas have not been lacking—there are several plans out there to replace the present law. The obstacle seems to be the usual collective suspect—politicians and their obsessive worry about […]
Solitary Ruminations on Trump’s Inaugural
24 Jan 2017
I decided to forego a few cases in my constitutional law course so that we might watch history. Twitter played a live feed of the festivities and I got to class just before Chief Justice Roberts administered the oath of office. Squeezed between two students in the back row, I tried to see Pres. Trump’s […]
The City of Man
15 Jan 2017
I am sitting in the San Antonio airport, waiting for my flight back home, reflecting on an excellent Values and Capitalism retreat here and–the subject of this blog–my walk yesterday. My goal was to walk to a bookstore about two miles from my downtown hotel. I had mapped it out using Googlemaps and set out […]