In my last post, one of our frequent commenters repeated a critique that Donald Trump and so-called MAGA members make, which is that the WSJ specifically, but by extension anybody that opposes the national conservative movement, is a globalist. Here is a portion of the salient* remarks that Richie offered: Frankly, the WSJ is no […]
I have never really understood my fellow Americans who vote for or against a politician based on their personality. I mean, at some level, you want to vote for someone you’d like to have as your next door neighbor–you don’t have to think too hard to understand why Kamala Harris’s poll numbers are deep underwater. […]
And sometimes it’s really hard to know which of the two roads you follow. One of the contractors I used to work with years ago used to routinely quip, “what good is that going to lead to?” It’s a reasonable quip for us today. There is so much we could say about Mr. Trump, his […]
Bereans for Billionaires!
21 Oct 2019
Yes, your Bereans are unequivocally for Billionaires! And Millionaires! and thousanders (?), or whatever income/wealth class label you want to apply. We’re even for the concept of Trillionaires and Zillionaires. We don’t doubt that having too much money can be a problem, as the Biblical proverb warns us: Proverbs 30:7-9 7 Two things I ask of you; deny […]
Weekly Sage #11: Jacob Viner – Chicago School
18 Jan 2019
The Weekly Sage hopes to regularly bring brief profiles of key contributors to thought and faith before a Christian audience for historical education and awareness of valuable resources. Sometimes history brings together a special combination of resources and people that form a center of intellectual influence. The Weekly Sage will occasionally consider such “Schools” […]
The Corrupting Influence of Mr. Trump
04 Oct 2018
Like many of our readers (and Americans generally), I like many of the President’s policies, and I like some aspects of his behavior. His willingness to break the mold and stir the pot a different way is in many respects positive–challenging alliances with blunt talk, being willing to challenge sacrosanct but corrupt international institutions, refusing […]
How do you take a significant segment of the church in the United States, called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ – Lord of heaven and of earth, the Alpha and the Omega, the eternal Word, son of God, son of Man, son of David, the lamb of God slain from the foundation of […]
HT over to Mark Perry @ Carpe Diem a few days ago. Mark highlights the unintended (but perfectly predictable) consequences of environmental restrictions on new pipeline development in the Northeast part of the United States. Mr. Perry asks the question: “Why is LNG coming 4,500 miles to Boston from the Russian Arctic when the US […]
Yes, repeating something true to intentionally deceive is a lie. The case of the (missing) gender pay gap
15 Sep 2017
Saying something with an intent to deceive is hard not to call a lie. Now perhaps we can forgive politicians (or the rest of us) who pick up too quickly an idea that we hear about without fully understanding its validity. But if challenged on it, we should be willing to adjust our perspective when […]
Racism, Confederate Statues, and History
20 Aug 2017
Racism: The gathering of white supremacists and KKK members in Charlottesville last weekend was reprehensible. The racism that was clearly being expressed should not be tolerated. The violence that ensued, particularly the person who drove his car into a crowd of protesters, is not an acceptable form of expression in our society. As Americans, we […]