It seems this blog overlaps one just published by my colleague Jeff Haymond. But I will publish mine anyway, since it nicely supplements his. Donald Trump has been saying quite a bit recently about the disappearance of (especially) manufacturing jobs in the South as well as the “Rust Belt,” blaming those lost jobs on the […]
Mr. Trump: Economic Leadership MIA
15 Mar 2016
Today we find ourselves watching and wondering, after eight years of what I consider failed leadership, will we get an improvement? There are so many huge issues our country faces, and they have been exacerbated by our current Divider-In-Chief. Pitting one group of Americans against others, while lamenting partisanship, has been a hallmark of Mr. […]
So today’s shocker on Drudge and CNBC is that Mr. Trump says he’ll force Apple to produce in the U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump warned that he would force Apple, the U.S.’s most profitable company, to manufacture all of its products in the U.S. if he is elected president in November 2016. Technology blog […]
The 5,500 Page Behemoth
10 Nov 2015
In this blog, I have but one question, regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which has just been made available for one’s reading pleasure. Here is my question. For an agreement that is touted as a free trade compact, why do we need a 5, 500 page document (parts of which I have read)? If we […]
As the Obama administration has completed its negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders were quick to pounce: Trump tweeted The incompetence of our current administration is beyond comprehension. TPP is a terrible deal. Of course, agreeing with Mr. Trump on the first statement in no way […]
What is that one good thing (among others)? It is that his exit is potentially a blow to the US Chamber of Commerce, that supposedly “conservative” group of business leaders who are really not conservative except in a very limited sense. Here is what is going on. The Chamber has decided it will spend over […]
Some Questions to Ponder: Just Asking
15 Jul 2015
I have a few questions for thought today. I am not answering them, though the reader may well have some idea where I am on them. So just read and ponder. Please feel free to comment too. I have not read the Iran nuclear deal yet, but I understand it will aid Iran in developing […]
TPP. TPA. I’m Confused–and Still Skeptical
12 Jun 2015
Andrew MCarthy has an interesting post in the National Review Online, in which he says opponents of the TPA (Trade Promotion Authority), which gives the president the authority to ask for an “up-or-down” vote on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the real legislation, are off base for their opposition. His argument is technically true. What is […]
The Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement
05 Jun 2015
This short blog is just a follow-up to my colleague Jeff Haymond’s blog on the trade agreement before Congress now. Dr. Haymond defended the agreement on the correct grounds that it enhanced free trade and that free trade is good for everyone, at least in the longer run (and given some short-run and inevitable disruptions). […]
There is another new book out on the alleged problem of inequality. This one is by Anthony Atkinson, a British scholar who wrote Inequality: What Can Be Done? The book was just released so I haven’t had the chance to read it yet, but Richard Epstein, a legal and economic scholar with New York University […]