This blog is generally about current policies or issues in the news or that are still current to a degree in the realm of political economy, politics, and economics. I have been reading a really interesting book by Jonathan Wight, entitled Ethics in Economics: An Introduction to Moral Frameworks (Stanford University Press, 2015). Wight addresses […]
Trump’s Trumps
15 Dec 2016
A new controversy–well, not really new, just renewed–has now taken the stage regarding President-Elect Donald Trump’s transition. This one concerns the “flavor” of his cabinet choices, taken collectively. The media and Democrats are trying to figure out (1) what they tell us about Trump and (2) what the supporter–stakeholders think about the choices. Those are […]
A Really Bad Legacy, and How to Reverse It
17 Nov 2016
President Obama and his executive agencies set a new record for the number of pages of new regulations in one day: 527 pages (in a single day!). For the year the number of pages so far is also a record, at 81,640 pages. It is also worth noting that seven of the the top eight […]
Conservatives and Cronyism: Time to Take Action
04 Nov 2016
A really important column appeared November 3, 2016 by Yuval Levin in the National Review Online. The title was “It’s Time for the Right to Get Serious about Tackling Cronyism,” and that title perfectly captures the thrust of the article. You can read it here: (Sorry, Bert Wheeler, I still can’t master just “link”). […]
Do immigrants import their economic (and political) destiny? And is there any correlation between a past (in some nation) that is anti-market, undemocratic, untrusting and the present state of the nations to which they have migrated in sufficient numbers? That first sentence is the title of an article in Evonomics: The Next Evolution of Economics, […]
The Real Battle
11 Oct 2016
The revelation about Donald Trump’s vulgar and pretty ugly statements about women has certainly generated heated discussion. I am not here to either defend his statements or to persuade anyone to vote for him. I will merely state the obvious: Christian voters find themselves in quite a quandary. On the one hand, I am convinced […]
The Obamacare Slow Leak
22 Aug 2016
Maybe you have read some articles in the past weeks about insurance providers leaving the Obamacare market in some states (I just read another one today). Well, it likely will get worse. Here is what is happening. First we need to understand how Obamacare works. The entire scheme was predicated on the ability to tax […]
The Great Enrichment and Inequality
12 Aug 2016
I have been reading the third in a trilogy of books by Deidre McCloskey on economic history and economic thought, but each one having a powerful point of application for our economy and our well-being today. The trilogy is massive, running to about 2,000 pages in three volumes. This third volume is Bourgeois Equality (University […]
I have so far avoided taking any position on the two main candidates for president. For my colleague Mark Smith, don’t worry, I will. I intend to continue the path of avoidance in this blog. Today I would like to examine and evaluate each candidate’s economic program. I say nothing about their personal morality, or […]
Globalism versus Globalization
22 Jul 2016
President Obama has shown his true colors again. In a speech to a group of ambassadors gathered at the White House (July 15) he said this: “I think we have to step back [from the Nice attack] and reflect on what we are doing to eliminate this kind of chronic violence. It’s been a difficult several weeks […]