I’m actually both amused and tremendously surprised at the depth of coverage of Mr. Biden’s pardon of his son this weekend. I’m surprised because everybody had to know it was going to happen. Mr. Biden’s protestations to the contrary, that paragon of virtue was always almost certainly going to pardon his son. No one in […]
Mr. Biden’s pardon of Mr. Biden
03 Dec 2024
Please read Daniel Ch 8 prior to reading the post, and read post one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight in this series first. Chat GPT Summary: In Daniel 8, Daniel has a vision of a ram with two horns, representing the Medo-Persian Empire, and a goat with a single prominent horn, symbolizing Greece and its first king, Alexander the […]
Please read Daniel Ch 7 prior to reading the post, and read post one, two, three, four, five, six and seven in this series first. Summary: In Daniel 7, Daniel has a prophetic vision of four great beasts rising from the sea, symbolizing successive kingdoms. The first is like a lion with eagle’s wings, the second a bear, the third a leopard with four […]
Please read Daniel Ch 6 prior to reading the post, and read post one, two, three, four, five and six in this series first. Chat GPT summary of Daniel 6: King Darius appoints Daniel as one of his top administrators, sparking jealousy among other officials who conspire against him. Knowing Daniel’s devotion to God, they persuade the king to enact a law […]
Please read Daniel Ch 5 prior to reading the post, and read post one, two, three, four and five in this series first. Summary of Ch 5: King Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson, throws a grand feast and, in a blasphemous act, uses sacred vessels from the Jewish temple to drink wine while praising idols of gold, silver, and other materials. During […]
Please read Daniel Ch 4 prior to reading the post, and read post one, two, three and four in this series first. Summary of Ch 4*: In Daniel 4, King Nebuchadnezzar has a troubling dream of a majestic tree that reaches to the heavens, providing shelter and sustenance for all creatures. However, a divine messenger orders the tree to be […]
Please read Daniel Ch 3 prior to reading the post, and read post one, two, and three in this series first. Summary: In Daniel Chapter Three, several years have passed since the event of King Nebuchadnezzar’s troubling dream. And for reasons not told in the text, he decides to make an image (of himself?) which he requires all the […]
Please read Daniel Ch 2 prior to reading the post, and read post one and two in this series first. Summary: In Daniel Chapter Two, we see King Nebuchadnezzar has a troubling dream, which he demands his magicians and sorcerers interpret, without telling them the dream, under the punishment of death if they don’t. They […]
As we continue our political economy commentary in Daniel (see the first post first), the reader should read Daniel Chapter One. picking up in v3, and beyond, we see the following major activities: 1) Nebuchadnezzar commands that leading Israelites be brought back to Babylon to learn and be brought up in the customs and ways […]
Over the summer I had a conversation with a friend, and he mused about the threat within the church of Christian nationalism. I said I’d first like to see it defined, as the left’s pre-occupation with Christian nationalism had basically pinned that label on anybody that believes Christian values system should underlie political positions (e.g., […]