One of the things that dismays me at our culture these days is the ever-increasing number of people who are easily offended. In fact, in economic terms, I think they have a taste for offense. It’s as if they are able to feel more self-righteous when they are offended, and hence feel better about themselves because their […]
My proposed Remedy for “Safe Spaces”
17 Oct 2016
The Real Battle
11 Oct 2016
The revelation about Donald Trump’s vulgar and pretty ugly statements about women has certainly generated heated discussion. I am not here to either defend his statements or to persuade anyone to vote for him. I will merely state the obvious: Christian voters find themselves in quite a quandary. On the one hand, I am convinced […]
Are We Missing the Substance?
04 Oct 2016
Dennis Prager has a very interesting article today in the National Review Online, entitled “Clinton Won on Nonsense, Trump Won on Substance” ( Once again, I am not commending this article because I love Donald Trump, or even because I will definitely vote for him (I have one month left to decide, as do you). […]
Miscellaneous Interesting (and Weird) News
13 Sep 2016
There are all sorts of interesting and disturbing issues and events out there in the news these days, some obscure and others more obvious and with greater implications. Below I simply want to list a few I have been reading about in recent days, and then later perhaps write some longer blogs on some of […]
It has been pointed out by historians and journalists that political campaigns have always been a little bit or a lot vicious, with a good deal of “over the top” rhetoric. Witness the Adams-Jefferson campaign of 1800. It was pretty overheated on both sides. But I see something different at work now among liberals, or, […]
The Misdirection of Life
08 Sep 2016
In 2004 the band Straylight Run produced a song called “Existentialism On Prom Night” about a young couple that made the most of evening. “Sing me something soft, sad and delicate, or loud and out of key,” they wrote, “Sing me anything, we’re glad for what we’ve got, done with what we’ve lost, our whole […]
Power and Its Expressions
06 Sep 2016
We have been here in Washington, DC for about two weeks now and after two prior stays, one in 2013 and another in 1964 (!), I have a few observations about just how big, powerful and even “Messianic” government has become at the federal level, based on what I have seen physically in terms of […]
The Majority Wins: But What?
06 Aug 2016
Well, the rage now is politics, electoral politics. My colleague Mark Smith has been busy the past few days addressing Wayne Grudem’s qualified support of Donald Trump for president. I am not going there for now. I wanted to say something about the bigger picture of how and why we got to where we are […]
I think what I am doing in this blog is a bit out of the ordinary. And I offer it with an attitude of trepidation. But nevertheless, I have included in this blog a link to the first chapter of what I envision as an entire book on Christian Worldview. The tentative title is The […]
Charles Murray has shown a division in the United States between the ordinary citizen and the “rich and/or famous” people (Murray, Coming Apart). The latter increasingly isolate themselves, physically and in other ways, from the rest of us. They also tend to live more extravagant lives, to the point sometimes of trampling on the “little […]