Much of our current political polarization is explainable by the conflicting visions underlying each side; visions that Thomas Sowell suggests reflect a basic understanding of the way the world works. In many cases, people with similar values will nevertheless disagree with each other because they view the world differently. Yet there are also questions of […]
Obamacare sticker shock: “I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it”
28 Oct 2013
There are so many dimensions of possible problems with Obamacare; the technical problems with the website are masking other much more problematic concerns. Higher costs, fewer choices, and coercive mandates are only now being considered by consumers as the actual implementation of the law is upon us. As I listen to the debates of the […]
A Failure in Leadership: Launch of Obamacare
23 Oct 2013
One of the most damaging accusations against Mr. Obama in the rollout of the Affordable Care Act came from his chief Lieutenant for healthcare, Kathleen Sebelius, as she tried to defend him: CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked when the President first learned about the considerable issues with the Obamacare website. Sebelius responded that it was […]
In our last update on Obamacare, we questioned whether Day One mistakes were just the technological tip of the iceberg. The verdict is now in; Day One was just the tip of the iceberg, and now the question is only how big is the iceberg? The simplest part of Obamacare–the website that provides the initial […]
You say “Really? Are you just an anti-Fed nut case?” Well, I’m certainly anti-Fed, and my wife won’t confirm or deny #2. But let me make my case. As economist Russ Roberts likes to say, economists often tell “stories” that we think reflect reality. These stories are backed by a particular theory and often have […]
Day One of Obamacare…what to make?
02 Oct 2013
Yesterday the health care exchanges were opened for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), with various reviews, but acknowledged “glitches” that left many unable to sign up. MSNBC anchor tried and failed after 30+ minutes, including time on the phone that never got her into the system: Republicans naturally trumpeted this as another indicator that this […]
Quote for the Day! Another Mises’ gem
01 Oct 2013
We will occasionally (but not daily) have a quote for the day. So as an inaugural quote, I offer up this gem from 2nd edition of Ludwig Von Mises’ classic work, Socialism on page 9: “It is true that Socialism is today an article of faith for many, perhaps for most of its adherents. But […]
Newtonian Echos–the Cruz Phenomenon
30 Sep 2013
Much is being made of Ted Cruz’s quixotic pursuit of killing Obamacare. Even those that generally are supportive of economic liberty and hostile to Obamacare did not support the Cruz effort, such as the editorial page of the WSJ. The conventional wisdom by these elites is that Obamacare can’t be stopped this way, but there […]
Mr. Obama wants a budget fight
24 Sep 2013
and Republicans are seemingly going to give him what he wants. Both the budget and the debt limit are coming up and Mr. Obama says there is no negotiation. No longer will there be any discussion on the debt limit (indeed, he does not believe we should have one), since we have to “pay our […]
Obamacare will continue to gain attention for the foreseeable future, but today’s news give two opposing and irreconcilable views. Mr Obama was asked if American’s were wrong about his health care bill (since so many oppose it). His answer? Yes, they are wrong. Yes, they are…….The problem we have is that over the last four […]