This is the gift that keeps on giving for blogging Bereans; Dr. Wheeler has ably commented in his post today on the minimum wage but no sooner did he publish it than I found a piece by Elizabeth Stocker making the “Christian” case for the minimum wage. Please read her article and provide your response […]
Argument for focusing on Wealth Inequality evaporates. Will this stop Mr. Obama in his speech tomorrow?
27 Jan 2014
Mr. Obama continues to focus on wealth inequality as the causal force driving lack of opportunity, and is expected to push to some degree in his SOTU speech. As we discussed last month, Mr. Obama asserts this is “the defining challenge of our time.” Notice the reason this is so important: it is a difficult […]
Always for the good of mankind, you see. Milton Friedman used to note that there are always two groups pushing for a public policy: the public front group which was supportive of a particular cause, and the private interest group that would benefit. No one ever advocated for government benefits to enrich themselves, rather there […]
We’ve had tons of economic news worth highlighting over the last month, but Christmas offered much more fun than writing blog posts. So here is a quick review of several economic issues that will continue to be issues in 2014. First up is the Senate confirmed Janet Yellen as the first female Federal Reserve Chair […]
Quote for the Day! From Henry Hazlitt
29 Dec 2013
It is not merely a fallacy, therefore, but a sham humanitarianism, and a cruel deception, always to insist on wage-rate increases whether or not conditions justify them, and always to resist wage-rate reductions whether or not conditions require them. From Hazlitt’s fantastic dissection of the whole system of Keynesian fallacies, in The Failure of the […]
Quote for the Day! Michael Novak
20 Dec 2013
It is not so much the asceticism of biblical teaching, as its call to creativity and inventiveness, that accounts for the dynamism of Jewish and Christian civilization, including economic dynamism. While some aspects of asceticism are certainly helpful for a culture, such as the idea of deferred gratification, what really makes civilization thrive is when […]
Reaping and Sowing applied to Obamacare
18 Dec 2013
I am one Berean that believes there is, in general, an ethical cause and effect that we see in this life. I say “in general” in the same sense that we view wisdom literature in the Bible; wisdom that is generally applicable while not always on our timetable (see Psalm 73 for one psalmist’s lament […]
Quote for the Day! Pope Leo XIII
17 Dec 2013
If incentives to ingenuity and skill in individual persons were to be abolished, the very fountains of wealth would necessarily dry up; and the equality conjured up by the Socialist imagination would, in reality, be nothing but uniform wretchedness and meanness for one and all, without distinction From Rerum Novarum, 1891. This truth needs to […]
The Secret to Happiness….revealed within
16 Dec 2013
At least indirectly, through this excellent short video by Arthur Brooks. Arthur is one of our favorite social scientists here at; he is also President of the American Enterprise Institute. Arthur summarizes social science research on what drives happiness; well worth your review. Earned success…that’s the key. What enables this? A free enterprise economy: […]
Science supports complementarianism! Warning: political incorrectness within–enter at your own risk!
11 Dec 2013
On the day after GM announced its first ever female CEO, we can consider the latest scientific evidence on male/female differences. The latest science reported in the popular press is making much of brain imaging which identifies the way neurons fire in the brain. You will be shocked–yes shocked–to know that women’s brains operate differently […]