Today we find ourselves watching and wondering, after eight years of what I consider failed leadership, will we get an improvement? There are so many huge issues our country faces, and they have been exacerbated by our current Divider-In-Chief. Pitting one group of Americans against others, while lamenting partisanship, has been a hallmark of Mr. […]
Mr. Trump: Economic Leadership MIA
15 Mar 2016
The Robots are Coming, the Robots are Coming!
23 Feb 2016
So warns Mr. Obama in this year’s Economic Report of the President. And the fear is that this accelerating automation will replace low-skilled jobs. It’s intuitive that automation will take low-wage jobs.But the White House, in its annual economic report of the president, has broken down just how much that is so. There’s an 83% chance that […]
When all the institutions of public policy remain committed to Keynesian economic fallacy, what hope have we that we will have real recovery? I’ve written before about my despair that public discussion of inflation/deflation is almost completely backwards, with inflation now a good thing and deflation something that will be very harmful. The reality is […]
The worst thing the Obama administration is trying to do! They’re coming for my hot rod!
13 Feb 2016
OK, my moral outrage over the Obama administration has come to a new plateau. Is it not enough that his administration has embraced social chaos in the gender/identity wars, continues to support killing millions of unborn children (all of this both home and abroad), and seemingly tries to strangle any possible economic growth ? Now […]
A Biblical case for Proportional (flat) taxation
09 Feb 2016
In my previous post, I suggested progressive taxation was not Biblical, and challenged readers to convince me I was wrong. In the voluminous follow up comments, I didn’t see any Biblical arguments for progressive taxation. However several posters suggested that there was not Biblical support for any method of taxation (regressive, proportional or progressive). In […]
In the Iowa caucuses, Mr. Sanders lost to Mrs. Clinton on all the major issues except income inequality, as reported in the WSJ (gated): The pollsters asked caucus-goers to choose one of four issues that mattered most to them in voting for a candidate. Mrs. Clinton easily won on health care, terrorism, and even the economy […]
I have one question which I need answered, especially since I’m teaching my macro class about taxation this week and next. Where is there Biblical justification for progressive taxation? Specifically, I’d like to know why two people should be treated differently by the tax code if one makes $100k and the other makes $300k, from […]
So today’s shocker on Drudge and CNBC is that Mr. Trump says he’ll force Apple to produce in the U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump warned that he would force Apple, the U.S.’s most profitable company, to manufacture all of its products in the U.S. if he is elected president in November 2016. Technology blog […]
Like many of our readers, I can’t watch Mr. Obama’s SOTU. His ability to distort reality is amazing, and simply raises my blood pressure. So why watch? Well, actually because I was hooking up a new TV setup while it was playing and had to check signal. I wasn’t listening very long (maybe a few […]
This blog is not investment advice. Mainly because yours truly has no clue what to tell you to do, although some foolishly ask him, demanding SPECIFICS. As if without a specific prediction you have nothing worthwhile to say. It is absolutely true that I might have nothing worthwhile to say–but not because I fail to […]