Why is it that many Americans are concerned about CEO pay (S&P 500 median compensation $10.8M in 2015), but are not concerned that Taylor Swift made $170M last year? Or that LeBron James made $77M? Why is it that people are concerned about an explosion in the price hikes of monopolist producers of EpiPen, but […]
Its puzzling to me, tell me why?
30 Sep 2016
Election 2016: Haymond’s for who?
19 Sep 2016
How did we get here? This is the question many of us have heard or asked during the last year. We’re all justifiably distraught that our choices seemingly are Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. No one wants to vote for the lesser of two evils, especially when it seems like the lesser is still pretty evil. Further, most Bereans […]
Even a stopped clock is right twice per day, and Mr. Trump is right much more than that (from an economic perspective). So despite my angst over his posture on immigration and free trade, let’s give Mr. Trump his due. The Fed’s easy money policy is fraught with significant problems, and the Fed itself is institutionally […]
How you frame the question means a lot
31 Aug 2016
My son sent me a link the other day to a isidewith.com to see who I would vote for. You are allowed to weight the questions according that issue’s importance to you, which ostensibly will lead to a more accurate assessment of who you support based on their positions. I came down solidly on the […]
When asked how one could tell whether a country had left capitalism and become a socialist economy, the Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises said: “A stock market is crucial to the existence of capitalism and private property. For it means that there is a functioning market in the exchange of private titles to the means of […]
Dem’s have annointed their choice for our elite ruler, Republicans have theirs. Which elite do you want?
27 Jul 2016
It’s a frustrating choice to be sure, but let’s take a few minutes to think about what Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton have in common. At root, they and their supporters think they have the right to direct our lives in very important ways. They differ, of course, in the specifics of how they want […]
Am I the only one who sees the cognitive disconnect between the Democrats saying that there is no indication that the Russians (or Chinese) had access to Mrs. Clinton’s private server, and the assertion by many of those same Democrats that the Russians hacked the DNC to ensure she is defeated by Donald Trump? ‘Course […]
Stock markets hit record highs this week, and yet most people aren’t excited about it. Google “the most hated bull market in history” and you’ll find many reasons for pessimism–we just don’t trust this market. In normal times, this would indicate we are still healthy, as legendary investor Sir John Templeton once said: “Bull markets […]
The latest Obama Admin edict: Let them eat Tofu!
28 Jun 2016
In today’s Wall Street Journal (gated) reports on a political battle over the provision of food stamps, and it illustrates much of what is wrong in Washington DC. Many of us lament the almost doubling of the number of people receiving food stamps, with only a slight drop off well after the recession is over. We […]
In an amazing 8-0 decision, the Supreme Court threw out the conviction of former VA governor McDonnell for alleged corruption: The Justice Department alleged Mr. McDonnell agreed to legitimize, promote and seek research studies for the company’s products. The former governor among other things arranged meetings for the businessman, Jonnie Williams, with other government officials […]