Yesterday saw all three of the major U.S. stock indexes reach new all time highs, and today the Dow is over 19000 for the first time ever. The post-election Trump bull continues to run, but for how long? Almost all economic prognosticators expected the market to go down after the election, albeit for different […]
California Dreamin….of secession?
15 Nov 2016
Progressives are continuing their refusal to recognize reality, as protests continued yesterday in major cities. To be fair, both sides enjoy pointing out they hypocrisy of their opponent’s ideological views. Yet I can’t help but smile in sadness at the almost infantilization of our progressive youths today. It was just 8 days ago that we […]
Trumpian optimism
11 Nov 2016
Like most of my fellow Bereans, I would wish for a different outcome for president. Yet I awoke on Wednesday with some political hope for the first time in eight years. Yes, there are significant dangers, and Mr. Trump will likely provide more embarrassment than usual. But perhaps politics will follow the fundamental rule of […]
The nightmare is almost over, and then it will really begin. Absent a miracle, either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be our President. We’ve wrestled with our choices, and most of us will hold our nose tightly and do something, albeit some think doing nothing is a principled response. We’ve debated, discussed, commiserated and […]
One of the blessings embedded in the nightmare that we call the 2016 presidential election is at some point soon, Mr. Obama will no longer directly control the reins of political power. His presidency has been a dismal failure in terms of economic growth, foreign policy, dealing with the burgeoning entitlement state, and of course, […]
“Calling God’s sexual ethic hate speech does Satan’s bidding. This is Orwellian nonsense or worse.”
31 Oct 2016
Rosaria Butterfield, who walked away from the lesbian community, argues this in a profound piece over at The Gospel Coalition, where she offers a compelling critique of our cultural surrender: For when we advocate for laws and policies that bless the relationships that God calls sin, we are acting as though we think ourselves more merciful than […]
Mr. Trump blames bad trade deals as helping the Chinese profit at the U.S.’s expense. Undoubtedly we could have better trade deals, if we made them one-page long rather than the monstrosities that Washington normally cooks up. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that on balance free trade agreements are beneficial, leading to higher standards of living […]
My proposed Remedy for “Safe Spaces”
17 Oct 2016
One of the things that dismays me at our culture these days is the ever-increasing number of people who are easily offended. In fact, in economic terms, I think they have a taste for offense. It’s as if they are able to feel more self-righteous when they are offended, and hence feel better about themselves because their […]
“Fraud!” cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered “Fraud!” But one scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed. They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain, And they knew that Casey wouldn’t let that ball go by again. Empassioned sports fans don’t like a bad call, and we […]
I think most of us can now certainly agree: even if we give Mr. Trump his claim that he is the most brilliant businessman ever, and his paying low or no taxes is due to his incredible financial acumen, we cannot help but conclude either he is a particularly poor politician or he simply does […]