to educate high school students on the morality of free markets. Please get the word out to students that you know of that could benefit from this program, 10-13 July right here at Cedarville University. Each of your Bereans will have a speaking role to show the intersection between a biblical worldview and free markets. […]
All economics, all the time
06 Feb 2018
At least in this post…this is a lightening round of some of the issues in the news: Yes the markets are getting whipsawed, even with today’s big move back up. Not surprising; valuations using conventional metrics (such as the market price to earnings multiple) have been extremely high compared to history. One can make the […]
Initial thoughts on House Memo
02 Feb 2018
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) memo on FISA abuse was, as expected, released today. No matter how you slice it, this is an incredibly troubling memo. No one can read this memo and say it doesn’t matter. Either its true, and we have momentous scandal unfolding, or its not true, and the […]
Trump Trolls for Trouble, but Trade Tricked him!
29 Jan 2018
Ok, I promise I’ll stop quite the # of posts with “TR”, but this is a good counter to the bad news on trade we discussed last week. On Friday of last week, the U.S. International Trade Commission dealt a blow to Cronyism, Mr. Trump and that largest of corporate cronies, the Boeing Corporation. In […]
I heard this yesterday on Al Mohler’s The Briefing, and found it today in the young lady’s own words over on The Gospel Coalition. This is a profile not only in courage to confront evil, but a boldness to speak of the beauty of the gospel to her abuser. This is a must watch, as […]
Aahh the perils of a populist president. But at least I can try to think of more words that start off with TR.* So yesterday Mr. Trump declared war on most of America and a few foreigners to support a few jobs in the solar cell and washing machine industries. Let’s just review the standard […]
But don’t smile, you are too. Let’s get to the good losing first. This time of year, there will be many hopeful losers, as membership at Jenny Craig and health clubs will be on the rise. But that’s not the only way one can be a loser and be happy about it. I’m a real loser […]
Jonathan asked a good question in response to our VLOG this past week, and I think it merits a separate response to spell it out. For those that did not watch the video, I basically argued that Christians should be concerned when the pursuit of justice is guided by politics, rather than justice being blind, […]
One thing about modern man, he (and she) want to be modern and pursuing the latest and greatest fashion. This is, of course, nothing very modern at all. Luke recorded the same phenomenon almost 2000 years ago, in his discussion of the Apostle Paul at Mars Hill, where he editorialized: (Now all the Athenians and […]
One of the central debates on the Republican tax reform proposals is how much their plan will “cost” the government. This begs the question as to why not taking as much of people’s money as you previously intended to take is considered a cost, but we’ll leave that aside. Republicans argue that any tax proposal […]