In the “take any good news you can” category, the $15/hr minimum wage proposal was dropped from Democrat’s $1.9T stimulus, but let’s not think it’s dead. Nor is the damage of its proposal not going to be felt, as employers are on notice they need to pursue more automation as labor cost increases will be […]
Are Hamburger-flipping jobs worthy of praise?
04 Feb 2021
On my most recent post, one commenter took us a bit off the direct path with a comment about the need for 21st Century education. While I agree that education is important, and indeed, investment in human capital is the best thing we can do to help the poor, the minimum wage is an additional […]
In my last post, one anonymous commenter challenged me on the data of minimum wage. Rather than burying what is an important response deep within a post, I will first copy the critique, and then provide a detailed response. Dr. Hammond, You paint a pretty alarming picture of the effects of a minimum wage increase […]
Mr. Biden’s progressive war on work
28 Jan 2021
In my last post, one commenter disagreed with my characterization that many of Mr. Biden’s approaches are ungodly. He acknowledged abortion, but found comfort that Mr. Biden is “is at least familiar with the leadings of God” since he prays. That gives me no particular comfort, as the Bible is clear that it is possible […]
Praying for Mr. Biden
25 Jan 2021
Mr Biden wasted no time in implementing an extra-constitutional agenda that could not be supported by a democratic process, e.g., numerous executive orders that are his private fiat. I’ll have more to say on his progressive war on work as soon as the schedule eases, but supporters of Mr. Trump cannot critique Mr. Biden for […]
This is the day…
20 Jan 2021
Yes, Joe Biden will become the U.S. President in a few hours. For some, this is the end of a nightmare, for others, it’s only the beginning. And yet for others, it’s a different kind of nightmare. But as I started our intro headline, I couldn’t help but remember that jingle that we used to […]
Never let an insurrection go to waste.
14 Jan 2021
Unfortunately that seems to be the unofficial new motto of the Democratic house leadership and by press reports, the new administration. What we need right now is thoughtful, calm, and quiet leadership. I pray, and would encourage our leadership, at every step of the way your goal should be to defuse the tensions in our […]
And sometimes it’s really hard to know which of the two roads you follow. One of the contractors I used to work with years ago used to routinely quip, “what good is that going to lead to?” It’s a reasonable quip for us today. There is so much we could say about Mr. Trump, his […]
Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” Pilate’s question is still the […]
It was late August of 1998 when I arrived in my first class of graduate microeconomics at George Mason University. I arrived early, and waited with eager expectation for the professor, who was one of the two professors that had drawn me to GMU–Walter Williams. When he walked in, it was clear who the dominant […]