How happy are you with the federal government? The government is partially shutdown. If Congress and the President are not able to negotiate a settlement to raise the debt ceiling, greater fiscal problems are on the horizon. The Affordable Care Act is more and more showing its strangling effect on our economy. The Dodd-Frank Act […]
The US Government and Romans 13: 1-7
09 Oct 2013
The Affordable Care Act and Claims Costs
24 Sep 2013
A friend of mine posted the following graphic on Facebook: The graphic was posted on the Independent Journal Review site and is based on a March 2013 article “Cost of the Future Newly Insured under the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA)” sponsored by the Society of Actuaries. […]
The Winds of Change?
13 Sep 2013
From today’s Wall Street Journal: Poll Finds Republicans Gain Favor on Key Issues.
The French “Get it” – Why Not the US?
12 Sep 2013
The French government finally “gets it”. Or they have been forced to get it. In response to the euro-zone debt crisis France has been increasing taxes to cut its deficit. But the French economy has hit the wall. In France Says It Will Miss Budget Deficit Targets published in The Wall Street Journal, William Horobin […]
I came across an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday. More on Fracking and the Poor reminds us that it is private initiative and activity that is the source of economic growth in the US economy. The concluding paragraph reads in part: “It’s a classic American story of innovation, human ingenuity, risk-taking and […]
A very interesting and a very telling bit of research from Sentier Research was released two weeks ago. Sentier analyzes data from the Current Population Survey to estimate trends in median household income. Yesterday, Steven Moore at the Wall Street Journal, published an op-ed piece based on Sentier’s analysis: Obama’s Economy Hits His Voters Hardest. During […]
Obamacare / Kingcare
28 Aug 2013
The economy is never stagnant, either with respect to its performance (GDP growth, inflation, unemployment rate, etc.) or with respect to the level and degree of government direction (more or less socialistic, more or less market driven, etc.). Our economy is becoming more and more socialistic. One clear marker on this road to serfdom is […]
Crony Capitalism
23 Aug 2013
This summer I asked my colleagues at Bereans at the Gate a question – How might we define “crony capitalism”? The consensus was that “rent seeking” – the explicit and direct use of time and money for economic gain without productive wealth creation – was at the root of crony capitalism. When we think of […]
Façade Capitalism
16 May 2013
Don Boudreaux has an excellent post this morning at Cafe Hayek discussing the connection between civil liberties and economic liberty. He posted the remarks He made at the Oslo Freedom Forum session “Façade Capitalism and Its Threat to Human Rights”. Boudreaux concludes: “Liberty is whole; it is indivisible. To treat it otherwise is to threaten […]
Immigration Reform: Response to Marc Clauson
16 Apr 2013
I thank my esteemed colleague, Marc Clauson, for his timely response to yesterday’s post on immigration reform. I do look forward to the ongoing debate on this issue as Congress crafts immigration reform legislation. Immigration policy has been problematic for decades with major revisions in the law in 1996 and 1986. Unless our current law […]