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Victory is at hand in this election. Will we grab it?

07 Nov 2016

The nightmare is almost over, and then it will really begin.  Absent a miracle, either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be our President.  We’ve wrestled with our choices, and most of us will hold our nose tightly and do something, albeit some think doing nothing is a principled response.  We’ve debated, discussed, commiserated and condemned.  And after all that venting, it still doesn’t make us feel any better.  So what do we do when our worst fears are realized on Nov 9th?  How can we get the victory?

The answer is obvious, of course, but how easily we (or at least I) forget.  The sovereign God will have spoken as to who he would raise up for this position.  Undoubtedly none of us will like it, even should “our” least-bad option prevail.  Can we rejoice on Nov 9 that God is on his throne, and that though the nation’s rage against Him, He is on his throne and laughs at them (Ps 2)?  Can we extend grace to those who voted differently that we did, confident that God’s purposes were accomplished?  Can we avoid what I read fairly regularly (unfortunately somewhat here)–the urge to condemn as immoral those that voted differently, when all of us agree we are left with really bad choices?  Can we not rather weep in repentance for our role in God executing His judgment on our country?  Can we instead rejoice that His bride will be delivered through any tribulation that will follow?

If we want the victory on November 9th, then extend grace to others and rejoice.  Rejoice always, and again I say, rejoice.  The victory is at hand if we will reach out and grab it.