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Students at Oberlin College Want Activism for Education

25 May 2016

Well, has it come to this or am I reading something from The Onion?  I did verify its truth.  If you look here (http://theweek.com/speedreads/626361/oberlin-students-want-abolish-midterms-grades-below-c, it seems that at least 1,300 students at Oberlin College are demanding that no grade below a C be given and that mid-term examination be eliminated.  Why?  So the students will have more time for activism.  Of course it is radical liberal activism, but that is a side note.  Let’s just forget all grades and all examinations and make college one big activist training school, with all the 1% amenities of course (since these privileged but juvenile students couldn’t live without anything less).  Please forgive the sarcasm, but this is laughable it is so silly.  But this question is not laughable:  Will the Oberlin administration give in to those demands?  At any rate, read the article and either laugh like me or cry (which I may do later).