Trumpian fans will almost surely say “how could you not see it before?”, but I still believe it’s a reasonable response that when someone says “go and drink this poison–it will taste really good!” we should vehemently disagree. And I still disagree with his rhetoric on tariffs, but there is some small reason for optimism. […]
In my last post, one of our frequent commenters repeated a critique that Donald Trump and so-called MAGA members make, which is that the WSJ specifically, but by extension anybody that opposes the national conservative movement, is a globalist. Here is a portion of the salient* remarks that Richie offered: Frankly, the WSJ is no […]
Is Mr. Trump going to give us Biden 2.0?
14 Mar 2025
Joe Biden was elected president for basically one reason–the general public on the margin wanted an end to perceived Trumpian chaos and a return to normalcy. Mr. Biden had promised to be that candidate–bring us back to normal and he would be a caretaker until the next generation of leaders would arrive. And then in […]
Ukraine Fallacy Day 5: The war is unwinnable
10 Mar 2025
The old saying “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog” is something that is clearly rejected by some, including some of our beloved Bereans, when considering Ukraine. I have called for victory, if that is what the Ukrainians want, and suggested that they […]
This is a favorite one of the conservative leftists, who are following in the footsteps of their progressive leftists of the past in playing the “blame America first” game. If we would just not have been so threatening to Russia, if we would have realized their legitimate sensitivity of external threats since they’ve been historically […]
Imagine last summer you were having a summer BBQ with your friends and family members on the 4th of July, and your gun-loving neighbor (he has a collection of hundreds of guns and ammunition to last through the next three armegeddons and civil wars) decides to invade your BBQ with his beer-drinking buddies and they […]
Ever since his coming down that escalator, Mr. Trump has been blessed by his enemies. His singular ability to cause people to hate him and do insane things in opposition to him make him appear to be the sane one. No, Mr. Trump is not normal. He doesn’t intend to be. And he certainly doesn’t […]
This may be the easiest or the hardest fallacy to overcome, because the argument is incorrectly made. Of course we can continue to fund Ukraine. The question is do we want to. The fact that we cannot in total spending continue to spend $2T deficits forever does not mean we can’t spend some smaller amount […]
Socialists of all stripes agree–the market process must be managed by the all-wise elite
04 Mar 2025
And just like the communists, they will always speak of doing it on behalf of the people. Welcome to the Peoples Republic of America (PRA), because it’s Tariff Time! Of course Mr. Trump’s supporters will vehemently disagree with me, with some justification, as Mr. Trump doesn’t want to run the whole economy. True enough. But […]
Over the next few days I will write a series of posts on what’s happening with Ukraine, primarily to address comments that those that are opposed to continuing support Ukraine make. There is an isolationist case to be made–those that make it are not necessarily evil or lovers of Putin. Nevertheless Bereans already know that […]