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An Exemplar of Christian Worldview

07 Oct 2015

Our Bereans readers know how passionate I am about the issue of Christian worldview—taking every thought captive to Christ—in every aspect of thought and life.  I haven’t lost any of that passion, but I am not the only one who cares about it.  My colleague, Richard Tison, here at Cedarville University, also possesses an intense commitment to the integration of the Christian—that is, Biblical—worldview, in his academic endeavors, both teaching and research.  So I am not going to ramble on about it, but let Dr. Tison speak to us through a paper he wrote as part of his tenure process in History.  The paper concerns the epistemological and Biblical foundations of Christian worldview, particularly as it relates to the study of history.  As such, it constructs a comprehensive philosophical and theological foundation for that discipline, but also for any intellectual endeavor that a Christian may encounter.

Now a few words about his approach.  It is a van Tillian, or presuppositional approach in terms of its epistemological underpinnings, beginning with God and God’s Word.  Some might disagree with that approach, but I believe he makes his case well.  Besides that the reader should first evaluate the paper in terms of its internal consistency, before he expresses his external concerns—let the paper first speak for itself in its own right.

I commend this paper to you as an excellent example of worldview thinking.  May it be seen as an example.  One caveat:  It is long, so get a cup of coffee, or a bowl of ice cream in my case, and enjoy.  It is for serious Christians.

The link is here:  https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/1504479a18419a78?projector=1